Andrew McConnon horse abuse

Sharing the FB link here:

Videos show Andrew repeatedly punching horses in the head from the saddle. The apparent offenses are chipping to an oxer and maybe a runout?

It appears he’s at Burghley representing the US on a grant from Rebecca Farms - I haven’t fact checked anything yet so I’m ready to be corrected.

If this is being discussed already and I missed it, apologies. I’m both glad to see people posting clips instead of looking away, and also just sad that there’s so much to be posted.


Came here to post this. I hope he is immediately suspended. His former staff are commenting under the post confirming they have witnessed this too.

This is beyond sick behaviour. Absolutely inexcusable.


I saw this. Both confirming it wasn’t a “bad day” and just confirming that it is him.


Seems the link has already been deleted. Not a great representation there of the US…

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Even more disconcerting are the many comments I’ve seen on posts about this detailing that others have seen him do this too, and at shows even?? Horrendous. I guess he’s somewhat known for this.

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The second video really has me scratching my head. Horse was quiet over the fence then gets pulled up and whipped in the face.


The horse chipped into the fence I guess? It really wasn’t a bad jump.

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It’s a short clip, but the horse just looks shut down. I am guessing this is part of a much longer fight that the rider just wants to continue long after the horse stopped trying.


What an absolute heap of trash. He deserves to be canceled. Disgusting.


Comments I’ve seen on the videos:

“having seen it with my own eyes and ridden horses he’s done this too, yes, it’s Andrew.”

“also having worked for Andrew over 10 years ago and having him threaten to sue me for slander because I tried to acknowledge this- I can also vouch that this is Andrew McConnon.”

Edited to add more:
“I’ve seen him do it and ridden horses he’s done it too, yes. It’s him.”

“I’ve had the misfortune of volunteering where Andrew has ridden at shows, and even there, with far more eyes, he’s an absolute prick to his horses. Not this bad, but people are usually on better behavior at shows. He’s a massive prick to other competitors and volunteers. In fact, when I heard he won a sportmanship award in Kentucky, I laughed so hard that other people in the stands were giving me weird looks.”

Also this-unconfirmed but supposedly also him


The FEI and USEA have known about this for months, they’ve been sent the videos, they’ve heard witness accounts and yet they’ve done nothing about it.

The current chef d’equipe has known about this for a very long time and covered up for Andrew.

Please don’t think he’s alone in this. Multiple professionals in the area are well aware of what he’s been doing and didn’t act. It took a brave bunch of people to stand up to the “giants” and do the right thing for these horses.

Our sport is in a crisis! And something needs to be done!


Well they’ve gone and done it now by ignoring it! All over social media already.


Video 1 rider error… why hit the horse in the head for that? Video 2… the place to correct the pace would be prior to the jump, why hit the horse IN THE FACE afterwards. There’s no excuse for this.


I would so dearly love to be able to have a horse like this and then to see it abused!!

A friend took a lesson/clinic from him on a very green horse who had maybe seen one ditch in its life - the rider says they created a permanent ditch issue for that horse that day. Andrew’s method was to “get mad enough to get him over it” and just gallop at a full ditch over terrain that the horse wasn’t really fit enough to handle yet. The horse kept stopping. The rider says they take responsibility for not advocating for their horse more by insisting on trying a baby ditch first (a suggestion shot down by Andrew) or quitting the lesson. But a “trainer” or rider of that caliber should KNOW BETTER.

“Get mad enough to get him over it” yeah that’s clearly the answer.


And what does hitting a horse on the face/head accomplish? What does it teach? A nipping horse running into a well placed elbow usually learns that nipping isn’t fun, but how does a run out or pace issue correlate to hitting them on the head??


What a disgusting piece of crap this man is – how the hell is he allowed to get away with this, not sanctioned, and his abuse not addressed?

For SHAME USEA :rage:


Exactly. I had a stallion pull the snake neck and try to take a chunk out of me, and he got a nose full of elbow, but that’s the only time that teaches anything.