I had an ankle fusion last year. I am 49 years old, when I was 23, I fractured/dislocated my right ankle in a riding fall. Had surgery to repair it at the time, did quite well for many years. As time went on however, the post traumatic arthritis that is pretty much inevitable after injuries such as mine, became worse and worse…the the point I was in pain ALL the time…At this point I was doing training level eventing/first level dressage with my OTTB…the funny thing is that RIDING did not hurt my ankle so much, but everything else did. Needed a mounting block to DISMOUNT, as the thought of landing on my ankle from the height of my horses back sent shivers down my spine. Finally decided that I need to do something, as I couldn’t live with the pain anymore.
Saw a great orthopedic surgeon. As it turns out, due to the fact that I had pretty much no cartiledge left in my joint, it was already basically functionally fused. The movement that I had in it was mostly in my foot joint. As I had been actively riding this way for some time, I had already unconciously begun to compensate for this. I was given the choice between ankle replacement and ankle fusion....at the time, he was not as eager to recommend the replacements to younger, active patients, as the current replacements had a tendency to fail/wear out in 10-15 years, requiring repeat surgeries. He said that there is a new artificial ankle out that show promise for lasting longer, however it hasn't been out long enough to have the data to be sure. He left the choice to me, not pushing one or another. After much consideration, taking into account the fact that I had not had much movement in the joint for a long time anyway and had still been able to ride and compete, I opted for the fusion.
Fast forward to this year...I have NO regrets. I had no idea how much pain I had really been in until it was gone! It was noticeable immediately...while of course i had the post op surgical pain, the deep, aching bone pain that was there CONSTANTLY before surgery was gone....such a relief! I started riding again about 9-10 weeks after the surgery...I was out of shape of course, but progressed pretty quickly. Now, I am still able to do dressage without noticing much difference than how I was before the surgery. I still jump a little, not much more than 2'6" - 2'9", but that is more because my horse is 21 and semi retired. I do feel that I would probably not feel comfortable doing big jumps, as I cannot shorten my stirrups as much as before, but I think 3' would be a very reasonable goal for me....I am also close to 50, a younger person may have the flexibility/agility to adjust even better, I am sure!
Anyway, sorry about the novel, that is my experience. Feel free to PM me with questions! When I came on here before my surgery, I soon found that there were not really a lot of people here who had had the fusion surgery...I would be glad to answer any questions from a riders perspective, as I did not have the luxury of knowing other riders in a similar situation before MY surgery. I again say...I do not regret it at all. I was in so much pain before, my quality of life is so much better now. I wish I had done it 2 years earlier, before the pain got sooo bad. It also has been a lifesaver for my job...I am a cardiac surgery P.A., I spend HOURS on my feet in the O.R. every day. I would have not continued like I was for much longer. Hope this helps. Again..feel free to PM!