Ankle fusion

My doctor just told me I likely need an ankle fusion. Is anyone out there still riding with a fused ankle? What does it prohibit you from doing? Will I ever be able to jump again?

Get a second opinion!!!

A friend of mine had a fusion done several years ago and she has had horrific chronic pain ever since. Had she gotten a second opinion at the time, it could have been done differently and she would still be functional today.

She cannot ride at all, both from the way it has been fused, but also the crippling chronic pain in the affected leg AND the good leg (from compensating). She tells everyone she sees asking about fusions about her experience and to get a second opinion bo matter what. A fusion should be the LAST resort, and if you do end up with one, stay on top of ongoing care in the form of physiotherapy and regular chiro to minimize the wear and tear on your body going forward.

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My dad has an ankle fusion from when he was 15 years old- he would describe it to you as this- wrap a large, tight ace bandage around your foot and ankle at a 90 degree angle, that’s the fusion. if you want to simulate it prior, try riding that way and see what you can do.

Best of luck to you- the surgery has come a long way since he had it but I understand that the recovery is quite involved.

I had an ankle fusion 8 years ago…wish I had done it sooner, as the pain was so bad before. I really have no limitations other than I can’t run or wear high heals. I still ride, still can jump…, although I am older and stopped jumping stuff ove 2’9 ish…only because my steady jumper retired and I don’t have the nerve anymore to bring along my new, quirky guy. I had no trouble when I was jumping, though. at that height, anyway. No pain, I walk without a limp, no one would even know that I had anything done. I had way more limitations due to pain before I had it done.

NO on the fusion…find a surgeon that does ankle replacements! The best thing my husband did for his ruined ankle. There is an ankle replacement facebook page or you can PM me to ask questions.

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Sounds like your doctor is very OUT of date. First what is wrong with your ankle? A fusion is forever , you can’t have anything else done to it ,like a replacement and ankle replacements are finally pretty decent.
You need to see a specialist in foot and ankle and there are only a few places that have expert ankle surgeons who can give you advice.
Look at who the million dollar athletes like basketball superstars are using and go see one of them. Yep that’s what I did, no fusion , small surgery yes still have weakness and swelling but it works and when better options are available I can try it. However ankle fusion is a dead end, and you realize I hope that you won’t have very much range of motion, forget about heels down.
Good Luck be careful with those docs.

I have very severe post-traumatic arthritis resulting from a compound syndesmosis fracture 15 years ago. I’ve had six or seven surgeries over the years and it has never been a question of “if,” but rather a question of “when” I would need a fusion or replacement. I work with a top ankle surgeon to manage the chronic condition, and he has historically been hesitant to do a replacement on someone so young, recommending a fusion unless I can make it to 49 or 50 (I am the one putting off the surgery, he would have fused it years ago if I had let him, based on the severity). This year, the steriod injections stopped working, and updated x-rays demonstrated a complete collapse of the outside of the joint structure, so I’m totally bone on bone now and basically at the end of the line with this ankle. Had another long discussion with my doc about the surgery, and he agreed to do a replacement because he feels that I will be happier with it, although I am only 46 and will definitely need a revision in the future. I feel a LOT better about doing the replacement and am willing to go ahead with surgery as soon as I can finish building my farm, as my pain is excruciating at the end of each day. Since I can’t do the surgery right away, we are going to try a series of Synvisc injections (commonly used in knees, off label for ankles) to buy me a little more time in order to get the farm set up (will be easier to hand daily care/chores off to someone else once the infrastructure is complete). I haven’t had the fusion but this is my journey with a very severe ankle, might give you some ideas of things to discuss with your doctor. Good luck!

On a side note, does anyone ride with an ankle replacement?

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