Ankle/peroneal tendon hurting and swollen after ride

I have had an issue that every time after I ride, the outer side of my ankle hurts and sometimes swells.I dont do anything different when riding, I just point my heels down and toes up. I have tried wrapping my ankle, kinesiology tape, and using ice on my ankle after riding. None of this helped very much! Lately, I have been doing lots of stretching when riding like lifting my legs out of the saddle and rolling my ankle in circles. This has weirdly made my ankle worse and it would hurt when riding. What is wrong with my ankle?!

I would like to know also.

Out of the blue, about 1 1/2 years ago, my ankle started doing the same.
I thought it finally was getting ok when I was cleaning around and moving some concrete chunks.
One fell on my foot, I got the foot out of the way so it barely glanced it, but re-injured whatever that is.
Is back to hurting at times and swelling a little on the outside after riding.

Please let us know if you find out.

I hope it again gets better on it’s own.
Am allergic to Drs and rather not go see about it.
Maybe someone else can get those of us with that problem an answer.

I might go to foot/ankle doctor to see whats going on. I have had the same ankle get caught in the stirrup while getting on which caused a sprained ankle, but that was soooo long ago! Its so weird how its only one ankle…

Yes, that you tried ice, taping and braces, etc. and that didn’t help, seems to be time now to run by a foot Dr.

I have the same thing going on but also goes into Achilles. Have been blaming my lupus/autoimmune stuff causing inflammation as my feet just hurt too. Strange thing is the pain isn’t while riding it’s a while after. But worse when riding more

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I have no answers but I have the same problem. I sprained that ankle about a decade ago, with no issues for several years until I did something (partial tear?) to the peroneal tendon 2 years ago - while riding. Since then, I’ve had a couple of stints in a boot, an injection, a MRI, physical therapy, and a workup for an autoimmune process.

I’ve been having some hip problems and just spent 2 months out of the saddle. My foot felt GREAT by the end - even with a lot of walking. My first ride - 10 (TEN) minutes in the saddle and I was back to square one - it hurt just as much as it had been before the break from riding. And like sandsarita, my pain is worse after riding.

I’m really frustrated. My foot/ankle doc doesn’t have much to offer other than exploratory surgery (but nothing to “fix” on the MRI). Now I’m just taking ibuprofen and practicing acceptance/resignation.

I do wish I had been more aggressive with treating this earlier. I did see a podiatrist when it happened but in retrospect I wish I’d gotten an MRI sooner (it was almost 2 years after the injury) and pushed back against the “these things take time” response I was getting. I agree with @Bluey you should seek a foot/ankle specialist.

Thanks @Knubbsy y for the info/link - I’ll investigate that!

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Be careful with this one. I’ve had the same tendon pop out of the groove HARD and its being slow to recover. If I put that foot in a stirrup, the tendon pops out of the groove again. I’m limited to no stirrups for now while being careful to not come off spring fever ponies

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Oh my gosh that sounds horrible! I can see how that could happen, as you are rotating your ankle in such an unnatural position.

I was in a car accident almost 9 years ago that SERIOUSLY screwed up my ankle. I still have a lot of pain, and it swells when I ride. I’ve found that a compression sleeve helps tremendously, like those they make for plantar fasciitis. I’ll take my foot out and roll/stretch it periodically during my ride as well.

My PT also give me a few strengthening exercises that helped. The best one was putting an exercise band in a circle around a post or table leg, sitting in a chair and putting your heel on the ground, toes through the band, and pulling against it with your toe/ball of your foot. That’s not a great explanation, but I’m sure there are videos on youtube or something!