Just thought I’d share a fun video that came across my Instagram feed, of Anna Buffini and Andrea Fappani (a top level reiner) swap mounts. Here’s the intro, she has separate videos of each ride in more detail.
I really enjoyed these when I saw them! Andrea was amazing on Diva.
I saw Anna’s lesson with Andrea on the reiner I think last night, can’t remember if it was on FB or YouTube. The smile on her face the whole time (and a few giggles thrown in) was so much fun to watch.
I really enjoy watching Anba Buffini! She seems to have such love and joy for horses!
Love Anna too-she just seems very genuine and like she has so much fun with the horses.
If you want another fun video you show watch the one where Anna is jumping cross country at Boyd Martin’s. She looks like she is having a blast .