Annnnnnd, now its an ankle *sigh*

Swear to god, universe is saying I’m not allowed to sign up for any clinics this spring.

Back has been feeling good, have gotten some good rides in. So I put in a low (2’) jump schooling day with my giant horse. And popped a tendon out of place in my ankle in mid-air to land on. Pretty sure its the peroneal tendon.
Cue the voluminous swearing, dismounting and limping back to the house on crutches.

Damn thing is still popping around intermittently, though not as severely. I can at least walk on it now. Looks like I’m grounded again until I can get the inflammation out, and riding in my ankle supports from here out.

If I was a horse, I’d have been shot a long time ago

I know what you mean.

The last 6 years have pretty much sucked for me for any riding capacity. The biggest issue that took me 2 workups and 7 years to diagnose a large spur on my tailbone. As you can imagine, it interfered quite a bit with riding and only got worse as time went on. I pretty much had to print all the info off the internet and shove it up their (the MD’s)…I mean, I can find the info in about 10 minutes and you don’t have 10 minutes to do the same? 7 years and one needless surgery later, I finally get the offending tailbone removed. So looking forward to getting back on my horse that has been totally lounging around for the better part of 2 years. Tailbone removal recovery is a slow process and I wanted to give it a year (it will be a year next week). Last October, I was unloading some bags of shavings. One started to cartwheel off the tailgate and instead of letting it go, reflex tells me to twist and try to catch it. Damned reflexes. I have been trying to rehab the back ever since and it isn’t working. I have an appointment with the neurosurgeon Friday:disgust:.

Take care of that tendon. I have torn both peroneals in my right foot and have chronic tendonitis of same in the left foot.
Not fun at all.

Crying in my beer with you.


Aw Susan now that SUCKS and i get it!