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Another cushings thread... Maybe IR? Pergolide not working? WTF do I do?

It’ll be interesting to see what he tests at then. I wouldn’t think a steroid injection over the winter would affect levels several months later? Maybe the cortisol rise just wreaks that much havoc on their system.

I had previously been told that recent protocol suggests treating the symptoms, not the numbers. But now my vet is concerned at just how high the numbers are. They have referred me to the teaching hospital to work directly with the medical staff, rather than the repro specialists. But I’m going to give this one experiment a shot and see if it does anything.

She has shed out probably as good as any year that I’ve had her. We will see if she hairs back up during the summer, though she’s not slick by any means. Her topline isn’t great, so I think there is still tweaking to be done, even if we don’t chase the test results.

This sure is a maddening disease.

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Yes, it certainly is. In my area, what one does about the dosage of Prascend seems to vary by veterinarian. With the support of the veterinarian from the teaching hospital, I’ve increased the Prascend on the one I care for to see if we can get the numbers to go back down. I know the chart for the seasonal rise had been adjusted…crazy as it sounds, I wonder if climate change is influencing what we are experiencing.