Another epilepsy thread, but I'm new to this all

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I didn’t want to hijack the other threads.

As most of you know, in September I had a TBI from a fall on cross country. My recovery has been awesome, but a little more than a week ago I had my first seizure. It was not a grand mal - in fact, none of them have been, but I did lose a degree of consciousness and total loss of control over my body.

Needless to say, I am of the opinion that this pretty much sucks. I’m still very much in limbo land, waiting to get into see a neurologist (my care after the TBI was very disorganized and I never settled with a neuro, but now I have a referral to one of the best in town), but I’m just trying to figure out how to live life with seizures. I have spent the last four months figuring out how to live with a TBI, and I’ve done a really great job of that I think, but this is completely unexpected, especially given that my TBI was on the mild side of a moderate injury - not something usually associated with the development of post-traumatic epilepsy.

So how do you adjust to life? The prospect of losing my license is horrifying. To say that I am independent would be the understatement of the century - my tag line with my friends is “I don’t need you” whenever they try to offer help :slight_smile: So losing my license while I live alone 45 minutes from my parents in an area of shotty public transit that doesn’t service my barn?! Unthinkable. But of course I wouldn’t want to have a seizure while driving and put other people at risk, its just that my seizures have never come without warning while I am fully alert, and 90% of them have happened late at night while I am very tired. So I still drive only if I know I can do it safely.

As for riding. I cannot give up riding. I refuse. It’s everything to me and I already sat out three months and am still fighting the effects of ataxia and hemiplegia from the TBI. I know many people are successful riding with epilepsy, but I notice that they are all under good control, and I am not under any control right now. I have no doubt I’ll get there someday, but how do I cope in the meantime?

And how do I soothe my poor parents? They are worried sick over this. The TBI alone was rough enough for them, and now this? They barely let me out of their sight.

Sorry for the rambling…it’s just that I’m new to this whole thing and not quite sure how to manage it all with my life that was already turned upside down once. Thanks in advance.

HUGS, hopefully medication and maybe a service dog will help


seriously… just breathe…

stress makes it worse, one thing at a time… this is what life is all about. coping with the crap that gets thrown infront of your feet as you walk.

It’s about what you DO with that crap. You will turn this around, and at some point this scared panicked feelings will be a distant memory.

Visualization of rides is how I survive my non riding times. This too shall pass. Stop pushing yourself so hard that you get tired enough to have the seizures is a good place to start. Take Better Care of yourself.

My sister has grand mal seizures. She did lose her license for 1 year after a really horrible car accident due to a seizure. She’s not been seizure free, but it’s well controlled (and she does know when one is coming on).

She says it’s important to eat well and get plenty of sleep. She pretty much does anything athletically that she wants with no problems.