Another group forms to stop slaughter!

You know, you post many, many things on here that cause people to question your knowledge, and occasionally, they go further than that. I have refrained, until now.

I am neither a Vegan, nor am I am member of PETA.

I bow to your belief that you have greater knowledge than anyone else on yet another subject. I don’t agree with you, but I will fight all day for you to have the right to your opinion. I am not going to bore anyone with my resume.

Just make sure that you are factual in your statements about others.

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Perhaps these could appear at auction houses?

So, in other words, you have no data or research to back your claims???

Nice deflection, but I didn’t start this thread, you did!!


There is no difference. Americans have just put them in this strange no man’s land of “Not Pets but Not Livestock either”.

Then it should be good enough for you and others to just not eat meat or send your horses to slaughter?
My Horse My Choice? Does that ring a bell?

While I personally would not send my horses to slaughter as we can euthanize at home and choose rendering, I realize as awful as it is some people need that option.


No one, I would imagine, can say what you are describing is good, what some of us are arguing for is a change to the better than what we have now.

To take @trubandloki‘s point, my horses travel in stock trailers, slant loads, straight loads, and they have no idea where they are going. So say I decided to take Dobbin to the plant, he would load in my trailer as he always does, no more or less stress than going to a show or clinic.

He would unload as he normally does, and i’m thinking that in my ideal plant he would be no more stressed than going into a big animal clinic, with its odours and sense of fear.

Then a shot from the captive bolt, no better or worse than the old guy getting a bullet next week, which in itself is no better or worse than a cocktail of chemicals.

Now all we are left with is the disposal of the body, which is now a shell, can no longer affect the animal and spirit which once inhabited it.

Once again, I have not seen you once explain HOW you make people responsible for the goals they breed, I would love to hear the practicalities, or even an outline of how it will work.


There are plenty of humane methods of transport.

My personal horses have been hauled all over the east coast without harming a hair on their entire bodies.

How do you think horses are transported throughout the U.S.?

I started it to share the information in the first post.

You stated that you and your husband are highly educated, and well informed on the subject. Obviously, this would mean that you have the information that you seek at your fingertips.

Speaking of deflection! How do you think that animals are hauled to slaughter? Exactly the way that you haul your horses? Is that your point? Because that’s what your inferring.

This is deeply disingenuous, at best.

Not disingenuous. People are saying with humane transport.

People are not saying there is currently humane transport.

In other words - if transport was modified so it is humane, and the slaughter process was done humanely…

I am confused why you are not seeing the difference.


If you are suggesting that each horse owner take their unwanted horse to an abbatoir, themselves, and have them killed in their presence, with the owner there to comfort the horse, I am going to have to ask you how often you think that is going to happen?

The entire issue is that at some point the safe haven for a horse can fall away. The question is what to do about it. I am not here to tell you I have all of the answers- but, I will tell you what I think is unacceptable. That’s what I’ve done. It’s my opinion- you do not have to agree, and I am good with that. You are welcome to your opinion.

Apparently, a few of you have determined that the transportation that is currently used by kill buyers to haul horses to slaughter is Ok. You are sharing how horses are just fine with being hauled anywhere. I have to disagree with you. I think that the current methods being used to haul horses to slaughter in this country are an abomination. We just don’t agree.

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I do see the difference. It is disingenuous to try and act as though there is currently any humanity in the slaughter pipeline.


We do not agree because that is not what any of us are saying at all.

No one here agrees that a double decker is the way to transport a horse anywhere.

People are talking about changes. Not what is there now. Changes.

Stop pretending that is not what is being said and refusing to hear that we are talking about doing things differently.


No one here has stated that, specifically.

Well, strangely enough someone did, up thread.


OK. Other than you.

What? I don’t count? Maybe the people that agreed with me thought the same thing so did not say it again.

The way I read the posts here that you are fighting tooth and nail with is not that what is happening now is OK. That for slaughter to work it has to be changed to be humane, including the transport there.


I can’t work out if you are being totally dense, or just don’t bother reading.

No one, I would imagine, can say what you are describing is good, what some of us are arguing for is a change to the better than what we have now.

I said that earlier, no one is saying keep what happens now, let’s improve the system

If you are suggesting that each horse owner take their unwanted horse to an abbatoir, themselves, and have them killed in their presence, with the owner there to comfort the horse, I am going to have to ask you how often you think that is going to happen

Certainly not suggesting that, it was but one example of an owner taking a horse, in reaction to your blanket “oh the inhuman treatment” certainly any competent horse person could collect a horse. IF local plants existed we could have smaller transport, not handling horses like cattle, but in a manner suitable for them.

But stil you have offered, or if you did I missed it, sorry, how your idea of cradle to grave responsibility works.


Double deckers have wall and floor partitions that can be adjusted for larger, taller, smaller, shorter, smaller boxy areas, larger ones.

In the West and SW, plenty of horses are hauled in double deckers, to other ranches to work cattle there, dude ranch horses, rodeo horses and they do fine.
We had a friend give us a horse and sent him in the back compartment of a double decker, that holds 8 head of medium sized cattle.
He hauled here, the truck full of cattle and was, surprise, we didn’t know about it, first to be unloaded.
He was a wonderful ranch horse for us for many years, eventually retired to be a handicapped mount, didn’t have any problem by how he was hauled ten hours to us in a double decker.


@ASB_Stars, many times have I listed “safe transport” and where have I ever used the words “double decker”?

If you are trying to make me angry or run me off because you don’t agree with me, that won’t happen.

But, when asked to support your point of view with legitimate facts, you are unable to do so. How about just one paper, research study, anything supporting you position? Other than Willie Nelson?

And since when is being educated, and using that education a bad thing?


Hey @trubandloki, don’t your horses get an itemized itinerary of road trips? You know, listing all refueling stops, snacks, drinks, enroute entertainment? Mine refuse to get on the trailer without one!