My mare had been acting just the slightest bit off for a few weeks, still doing All The Things, normal appetite, manure, temperature, being a nudge about wanting to get to the GOOD grass in the barn pasture when coming in for meals, mugging me for treats, being all spastic when conditions were ripe, all the things. But she was just notched down in her general energy level for normal things. Originally I chalked it up to having a Winter coat and we hit a pretty good warm spell, but it continued when things cooled off. So, I had her tested for Lyme last week, and yep
OSPA and OSPC were very negative.
OSPF hit at 12,000
My vet is doing her legwork, as she has only treated a very small number of horses. Most of those got doxy, a few got minocycline.
I know there’s no black and white with this BUT, I would love to hear what has worked for you in a similar situation.
Did you make diet changes? Pasture is dwindling and I am getting ready to add Vit E, normally I toss in 2000IU, not sure if it’s worth testing her level, or just bumping up to 3000 or so for a couple months.
I’ve seen mention of choline, which I’m familiar with, but she doesn’t appear to have any neuro symptoms
I know the spirochete can feed on magnesium, so I’ll probably add 10gm or so of MagOx to cover that.
IV oxy-tet is kinda off the table for a few reasons, unless there’s something REALLY compelling to warrant it, so it’s down to doxy vs mino
Doxy is cheaper, mino has better absorption, but my vet did treat one with mino and he didn’t respond well, but did well with doxy, though she doesn’t remember anything about his numbers.
You know I love all the details, so whatcha got?