I wouldn’t mind if they convinced him to eat mash. I don’t know what sort of container they feed in, but if he’s at all interested in food and it’s not bolted down they may get to experience his tub-flinging abilities. Hopefully his appetite comes back. I had good luck with B-12 paste jumpstarting him back in the early weeks, but we’ll see what kind of re-feeding protocol they draw up for him.
So, I’m in TX. Here, brands are only registered with the county you live in, but some states have a statewide registry you are required to register with instead. Many have their brand books online, you can search through to get inspiration or to see if your idea is taken/too similar to something else. It wasn’t expensive to register the brand with my county - just $35 for one location, although there are 7+ locations on each of the two sides. So if you wanted to register your brand for ALL locations and both sides (so nobody registers it in a different location), that would be a bit more spendy. All I had to do was fill out the form and mail it in with a check. Registration cycles vary by area - my county does a 10 year cycle, all current brands will expire in August 2031 if they aren’t re-registered by a certain date.
As far as designing the iron - some specs to think about. The company I used recommends a minimum character height of 2" with a face-width (width of the lines) of 1/4", min 3/8" space between lines and a total iron size of 3-5" on mature horses. You can pretty much do whatever you want design-wise, but the more intricately detailed you try to make it, the higher the likelihood that it comes out muddled or smeared once it’s applied. Some of that can possibly be mitigated by using a person very skilled at freeze branding. Here’s a PDF that talks about lines and spacing, solid shapes vs open, etc. that might be helpful: https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/54aa890b-3f82-4b0f-aed9-dba6d0e6e8c4/PF%20Design%20Guidelines.pdf?id=113135
You can use letters, numbers, shapes, lines, a combo of any of those or really anything you like to create the design. Pittsburg Foundry has a design tool on their website, which is basically a square canvas you can draw on. I struggled to do any sort of accurate drawing on my laptop (had better success using the very crude line tools in MS Paint to do my actual designing) but it was a good tool to see the representation of line width and what I could reasonably fit within the space. Some iron makers offer designing services, others don’t - I don’t think PF does. Their prices are listed on the website by size, if you are curious about the cost.
Sorry to ramble! I did a TON of hours of research on brands, the branding process, looking at different designs, etc. Do you have any idea where you might draw inspiration from? Your initials, something of numerical significance, farm initials or logo? A favorite charm, shape, talisman, symbol that means something to you…