Bought this sad guy from an auction house yesterday, picked him up today. He was brought in by a trader with ‘adult qh gelding’ as the only info. This makes 3 redheaded boys in my crew, now. I’m no teeth expert, but he appears to be maybe 8-10, about 16h or so. Vet has been scheduled for next Monday, the soonest they could get us in, so he’s going to be getting frequent small meals of alfalfa pellet mush until then (following UC Davis protocol). He quids pretty badly, and his sheath looks oddly crusty but otherwise doesn’t seem to have any glaring health issues (aside from being horrifyingly thin).
No name yet. Soon. I bought him because he reminded me of my dear, departed ‘heart horse’ OTTB, who I brought home in pretty much the same condition. He is very sweet, well mannered, and HUNGRY, and is now tucked in with a big blanket at home.
Name ideas welcome.