I’m experimenting to figure out the exact amount of warm water and soaking time before they totally disintegrate, but aren’t hard either. Your boy turned around to look great! I am still trying to come up with a way that I can separate the alfalfa leaves from the stems re: hay - If I could offer him a tub of just alfalfa leaves I think he would eat it, but he seems to have no awareness of his lack of teeth so if I give him a flake, even broken up, he just grabs a big wad of stems and leaves and it comes back out all balled up.
@Displaced_Yankee so far the only stuff he wants is the stuff he can’t eat! Although he was tentatively eating the soaked cubes-drizzled-generously-with-molasses I just gave him a few minutes ago. I don’t bring out the molasses jar unless I’m desperate. I’ll be checking on him in a couple hours, will see if he actually ate it. Earlier he very purposefully rooted up a cube out of the tub that wasn’t fully soaked, clunked it around in his mouth for a while and finally spit it back out. It makes sense that he’s looking for the harder clumps IF someone used to feed him unsoaked hay cubes. Can chewing dry hay cubes contribute to tooth loss? I wonder.
@rubygirl1968 if we are to believe the trader’s story, unfortunately ignorance is probably the biggest culprit. A good reminder that we should probably all have current directions written down on care & feeding of the equines in case we die or are incapacitated!
@2DogsFarm That sounds exactly like Bo’s move, plus he does the nose shove. He can fling unwanted grain out of the tub, a good 6 or 8 feet across the pasture. In my head I can hear him going ‘Don’t want this. Take it back. Now. Bring me good stuff.’ For a starving creature he sure is discerning now. I am happy to bend over backwards playing chef.