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Another old horse question

No apology needed, I completely understand. It’s tough for sure. I have mostly seniors boarded with me, and we just lost one a month or so ago; he was 35+ but still a hard choice for his owner to make, but it was definitely the kindest choice. It’s hard on everyone.


Our old ones are so very special and your guy is indeed very fortunate to have you.

Thank you for sharing a positive story about a BO. It is comforting for everybody to be in agreement for tough decisions. Not necessary, but comforting.


Since you all have been so kind and supportive I thought you would like to know that after another conversation with BO, she has changed her opinion about my boy’s quality of life.Thanks again for listening and sharing .


Is there anything else that you can do to make his time more comfortable? (soaked pellets/feed to get him to eat more, gain more weight provide bute or previcox for arthritis make sure his hooves are in good condition) If you aren’t able to help him gain weight and be more comfortable, then a day (or 2 or 20) too early is better than a day too late.

If you’re asking the question, it’s probably about time is what I have usually found.

Like they say, better a day too soon than an hour too late.

Do not worry about what anyone else thinks - this is an extremely personal question and other people’s input is not required or needed.

Hugs to you during this difficult time.