Me again…I’m not from this area, either.
Who do you recommend? I appreciate your help!
Me again…I’m not from this area, either.
Who do you recommend? I appreciate your help!
Total Equine but only Sallie Hyman
There are others, but I’ve used these practices and I would trust them with a PPE.
When I needed to have an out-of-state vetting (I am in Virginia, horse was in upstate New York) I asked MY vet for a reccomendation. He is on an online forum specific to equine vets and asked there. There were several different suggestions, but there was a strong consensus, among the vets, for one particular vet. I used her and was very happy with her PPE.
Yes. I have a call in for that. I just wanted to hear from those who have relationships with or knowledge of practices as well. Thanks for the suggestion!
Piedmont Equine, specifically Dr. Joe Davis.
Or either of the Burdicks (father and son) from Burdick Equine in Flint Hill.
Another vote for Sallie
Third vote for Total Equine/Dr. Hyman
Kent Allen’s practice
Chad Davis and his wife
Those are who I have or would use.