Has anyone dealt with a case of antibiotic-induced colitis that resulted in secondary complications, which then required additional antibiotic treatment? If so, did your horse have a second reaction? Which antibiotics did you use?
I ask because I’m going through this right now. My horse developed antibiotic-induced colitis as a result of taking oral minocycline. Horrible diarrhea, extremely high heart rate (90 bpm), fever, anorexia, depression. Though it was awful, she made it through the endotoxemia stage after fluids, plasma, and treatment with polymyxin B, gentamicin, and metronidazole among other supportive measures. No reactions to those antibiotics. Her fever went down, her poop returned to normal, and she seemed to be on the mend, and then she developed rhinitis from all the gastric tubing and mild to moderate pneumonia. Of course, she needed another antibiotic to treat the pneumonia. After culturing, we decided on chloramphenicol as the best option. She did well for several days, and then demonstrated loose manure again (not pipe-stream, but wetter than cow patty). No other reactions to the chloro. Interestingly, with the minocylcine, once her diarrhea started, she was also anorexic and depressed. With the chloro, she never got to that point. Though we weren’t sure whether this reaction was to the chloro or to misoprostal, which she had just started the day before due to confirmed ulcers, we immediately stopped the chloro, and decided to instead treat the rhinitis and pneumonia via nebulizer with non-systemic doses of amikacin and ceftiofur. Her poop is now back to cow patty state. While her lungs are improving, her fever is back. Yesterday, the vet confirmed two jugular thromboses, likely caused by the endotoxemia, which she said actually was somewhat of a relief because these are likely causing the fever given that the pneumonia appears so improved. So, now we are faced with putting her back on the chloro to treat the thromboses and hoping she doesn’t have another reaction.
This has been a long, terrible journey, and unfortunately, there’s not much literature out there analyzing the likelihood of horses to have reactions to multiple antibiotics. I would love to hear any experiences you may have had dealing with antibiotic-induced colitis and administering antibiotics in the horse who previously had a reaction. Thanks in advance!!