Posting under an alter for no good reason other than that my anxiety about everything is through the roof and I know some people on here irl
I recently purchased the perfect horse - a young TB who is sweet as the day is long. He was in pretty good flesh when he arrived almost a month ago, but dropped maybe 50 lbs pretty soon after arriving. He was a skittish mess for the first couple days (had never seen farm animals before and was suddenly surrounded by them), but has since really settled in, and is actually a very quiet horse. Anyways, long story short, he is now a bit more ribby than he was upon arrival, and I for some reason I am very self-conscious about it. I feel like I have failed him in some way. I feel like I am on top of it and recognize he needs to gain the weight back (and likely be scoped for ulcers), but I look at the recent pictures I have of him and just feel so horrible.
Does anyone else struggle with this? Like I feel like his (actually relatively minor) weight fluctuation that I know is due to the stress of travel and acclimating to a new environment is totally my fault. I can’t seem to stop beating myself up about it, and now I’m anxious about everything. Logically, I know that I’m doing all the right things but I look at him and feel like I’m already failing as his owner.
Part of this is probably due to the fact that I’m currently going through finals season in a tough graduate program, and I think everything I’m normally anxious about is just getting amplified by the pressure that I’m under. Really just needed a place to vent and commiserate