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Anxious ottb/moving barns

Hi all!

I just recently bought a fresh ottb maybe a month or two off the track she’s 7. She was fine on the acreage she didn’t seem too intense but when I brought her to a new barn she’s just so anxious I let her hang out in her field for about 4 days before taking her out and hand walked her for a little then took her inside the barn to cross tie and brush her and she just refused to stand still or even stand still to cross tie her.

How long does it usually take for a horse to settle in to a new barn? She would stand still at the acreage when I would take her out and brush her and put blankets on.

Any tips for ottb ottb are welcomed

I have had horses like this, they were never cross tied in an aisle, only single tied to the wall in their stall.

I start outside where horse, [wearing a halter and lead rope], is comfortable and teach a ‘stand’ [like ‘stay’ for a dog] command. Don’t do this in the pasture as other horses will interfere. A clicker helps mark correct responses.

Move into aisle and repeat ‘stand’ training.

Move to grooming area repeat ‘stand’ training.

Attach one crosstie and hold lead, repeat ‘stand’ training, do one crosstie on the other side.

Attach both cross ties repeat ‘stand’ training.

This can take days or weeks depending on the horse.

Have you considered giving ulcer meds? The esomeprazole looks easy and cost effective.

My new guy is anxious too and came up from Kentucky. I’ve started him on Perfect Prep Training Day and have considered trying Ulcerguard too just in case. It takes time to bond and for sensitive horses to relax and trust. Baby steps right now is all I’m doing. New barn and new person is a lot at once.

Back up. As mentioned - she doesn’t know how to cross tie.