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Any COTHers near Branchville, SC?

Last night I was passing through Branchville around 2 am on my trip back from FL. As I was fueling at En Market on Freedom Rd, a dog came up to the pump who was hurt. Possibly hit by a car but I don’t think too recently.

I tried to bait him into the bus but he was too skittish and ran down the road. He was interested and tame enough to eat some jerky I had in the bus, but too scared to catch and despite his handicap pretty fast! I unfortunately had to call it and continue my journey back home since I have work and a few appointments I can’t move around.

No collar. Fairly large for a ditch dog (60lb or so), black and tan hound type with a white splash on his chest, looked neutered from what I could tell. I’ve been thinking about that dog my whole drive back. After he ran away he sat down under the street light by the nearby intersection which makes me believe he’s habituated there. Does anyone have any connections down there that could see if he still there?

I used to live in SC and know how AC is down there, but if there’s a kind hearted COTHer or connection who could be his guardian angel I’d happily send a dribble.

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