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Any Interest In A Mule Discussion?

Little Mochi was loaded on the trailer and has begun the 1460 mile journey home today.

Apparently, I have one of those magical color changing mules :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


Safe trip Mochi!!!

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Mochi arrived safe and sound late last night, although a smidge battered and with some new stains. The dear soul is settling in well — eating, drinking, passing manure, napping.

Guys, she is the SWEETEST girl. Stood still for me to wipe her ears and eyes, and already is following me around like a puppy. Very quiet and respectful on the ground.

She is also LITTLE. Maybe 13.3? I am almost 5’6”, with a short torso and long legs. Definitely need to buckle down and shed the “grad school 30” now…

Smaller than I thought, for sure, but we will make it work. I am in love!!

She has lost considerable condition since her photos from the trainer, maybe close to 100 lbs worth. It has been an epic and stressful few months for this mule, for sure. So blessed for the help I’ve had along the way in getting her here. She is spending some time with my equine-guru friend to relax and be gently brought along. It’s likely been a while since she was ridden.

For now, I get to visit and learn. Can’t wait to come to know her.

Stills from a video of her walking up to say hi to me:


Ratchet, she is adorable! Can’t wait for updates!

And for the record, my pony is 13.3 3/4 and I’m 5’6", and we do fine!


thank you! haha. Her care-taker through quarantine in Texas said she was 14 hands, the auction kill pen people said 14.1, and my friend here says 12.3. She is definitely not quite as tall as the Arab mare we have whom I have always considered is 14 or 14.1. I’m going to take a measurement tape out there today and settle this.

I ride a curly in lessons whom I was told is 15.1 or 15.2 and I feel like I doubt that too :upside_down_face:

The relationship between people and horse height is a little odd. I’ll keep looking to the Icelandic horses for inspiration going forward!