Any of you humans had treatments for navicular bone pain?

if so what was it? curious how it is dealt with in humans

Yes, cortisone shots.

Thanks @Obsidian Fire! Hopefully the injections gave you good results and my mare got a few days ago work on her!!

My husband broke his last winter. He was in a boot for several weeks. When itā€™s cold he takes Advil, has no lingering issues.

It is every bit as frustrating in humans as it is in horses. Injections only work so long, you can only do so many of them. In my case there is ā€œmore to the storyā€ altho getting the radiologists and the docs on the same page never did happen. When the injections wore off I switched to prescription NSAIDs, because you can only get so many injections regardless of where in your body it is.
My best advice is to find a really really good foot doctor, be it MD or DPM. And support your feet via orthotics and decent shoes. Letting my shoes wear out is one sure way to fire up pain.

I had injections and they only held for some long. Ultimately I had surgery and they effectively nerved my foot. So part of the front of my foot and two toes are numb. They only problem the surgery gave me riding was that I couldnā€™t feel the iron very well. Eventually that sorted out as well.

I have complete fusion of my Naviclar and talus bones in my right foot. My Doc (one of the best foot surgeons in Canada) actually didnā€™t want to do surgery and instead outfitted me in basically a walking boot support for 6-7 months. Although very painful in the final stages of fusion, my foot looks completely normal now and it gave the rest of my body time to adapt to my new way of walking. I do wear custom orthodics at all time, solid shoes, and I can be unsteady on rough uneven ground as my foot no longer flexes. I also need help when mounting as I cannot pick up my iron with that foot without help or me stopping to place it in it. CBD oil helped a lot with the pain. A year after my ā€˜bootā€™ and the fusion completing I was hiking 7-20 KM a weekend (using hiking sticks just in case), and still riding effectively.

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Thank you all, especially @FitToBeTied my mare may need neurectomy in the futureā€¦hope not, butā€¦