Any one ever pulled a groin?

I’ve just done this. And going to work is a must, I gallop racehorses, so far I can’t really walk but it 's got another 10 hours to heal:winkgrin:So any advice?

I partially tore mine a few years ago.

I am still working through it. Last fall I retore some high muscle fibers, kept riding, and then tore it in a new spot down lower. My chiropractor sat me out for a week after that.

I highly recommend getting to a chiro who works on soft tissue or a massage therapist. My chiro has been able to work a lot of the scar tissue out. I used to have a lump of it in my leg; now it’s just that the muscle feels more ropey.

After you ride, ice it right away. I found it helpful to wrap my thigh any time I rode, starting up as high as you can go, with an Ace bandage. I’m not sure whether it truly supported it or helped by keeping the muscle warm, but it did help me.

Don’t ride without stirrups - that’s how I retore mine.

Take advil. Avoid any jogging or running, particularly in cold weather. Once you get the inflammation down with ice and advil, do heat, but with yours being acute I’d wait a week before doing heat.

Mine’s still bothering me, but now anytime I reinjure it I go to the chiro and he works on it. If I didn’t ride, I’m sure it would heal, but I think it’s going to be a chronic thing. I’ve always just pushed through it, and I haven’t gone to PT, so it’s never 100% healed…but hey, that’s just how us riders are made!

Hope this helps…feel free to ask any questions!

Thanks for the tip about the ace bandage, I’m going to try it. Mine is periodically sore on and off but I did it about five years ago and whenever I overdo, it’s going to bother me the next day (like cross country schooling two green horses in the same afternoon!)

Riding without stirrups is how I did it. But not on purpose, the horse ducked and I lost both stirrups and then went for a 5/8ths run off with me clinging on, got him pulled up and he stabbed them in and ducked again, thats when we parted company.
Any way thanks for the advice it is starting to feel better , a little. How long till the inflamation goes away? I cant barley put my jeans on.

pulled groin

Yes, I’ve had one and it was tough for weeks to walk, go up and down the steps, anything/everything that required pressure there. I used heat on mine as much as possible and tried to take it easy (not really an option for me). You sure it is just pulled and not torn?

Is it actually physically swollen? If so, you may want to get it checked out…mine never really swelled (although I ignored it and I can’t say I ever looked at it closely) except minorly. I can feel the inflammation - it feels tight and warm. But if its swollen to the point of not getting your jeans on, I would get it looked at. That’s a lot of swelling on just a pulled muscle.

Chronically, any time it bothers me I hit it with ice pretty quickly. That’s what my chiro recommended. He also mentioned that icing after every ride will help. But key for me was starting to get the scar tissue worked out. Otherwise the scar tissue will pull apart because it gives easier than healthy muscle. And THAT is not fun, trust me.

It is hard to heal because the muscles that work that portion of the body are so deep, the posas muscle needs to be worked, it is responsible for lifting the leg and the insertions are in the groin., working around the hip bones also helps as does working around the pelvis, espwhere the leg attaches to the pelvic girdle. Good luck, no lifting for a while.

Swollen , big time, both sides. All down my thighs, yuck. Today it has gone down a lot. I dont really know if it is pulled or torn. Whatever it is its no fun. I still get on horses but you can pitty the person who legs me up. Once I am on I just ride short and its easier.

Tore mine several years ago in the middle of a jumper course,thought my leg was goimg to fall off! Then it turned every color of the rainbow! Sorry! I found that after taking time off feom doing just about anything and icing and advil dosing religiouslh it did heal. There is a neoprene thigh bandage available at health/drug stores. Wore it every day for 6 months
Use it it helps! Then start doing some physical therapy you know that horrid thigh machine at the gym for inner and outer thighs. Good luck amd don’t overdo in cause if you tear it that really stinks!

I partially tore mine a few years ago.

I am still working through it. Last fall I retore some high muscle fibers, kept riding, and then tore it in a new spot down lower. My chiropractor sat me out for a week after that.

I highly recommend getting to a chiro who works on soft tissue or a massage therapist. My chiro has been able to work a lot of the scar tissue out. I used to have a lump of it in my leg; now it’s just that the muscle feels more ropey.

Hope this helps…feel free to ask any questions![/QUOTE]

I’ve been suffering severe groin pain for about six months.
How did you find a chiro who works on soft tissue???

I did it while I was pregnant, saddle with too wide of a twist. Working student had to hoist me onto and off of the horses but once I got up there I was fine.

Now here is the creepy part. It never really went away, almost but not quite… One day I am on the mat doing yoga or pilots, I don’t remember- laying in my stomach. Lifted my legs off the ground and my arms up and back and as soon as all my weight was on my pubic arch something went POP! And it never hurt again.