Any Orthotics Success Stories?

I just had the casts done for some orthotics and I am really hoping they help. Lately, just walking on hard surfaces is misery :frowning: I have had to cut back a lot on running because by the end of the day after work and riding my feet and legs just hurt too much to run. I have a rear foot varus and something else (forget the name) involving the big toe not being able to flex enough. Just hoping other people have had great success and can share that with me. Really looking forward to the orthotics arriving, but I don’t want to be unrealistic in what they can accomplish.

I wore orthotics back when I ran track as a teenager, and they helped tremendously. A little bit of bruising on the arch at first but nothing compared to the screaming pain of broken down feet.

I have rheumatoid arthritis, very painful feet, and I use off-the-shelf orthotics. I already had customized shoes (rockers and lifts), but adding the orthotics still made a positive difference.

My rheumatologist thinks most people don’t need custom orthotics, so I followed his advice. It was certainly cheaper!


I’ve had much better luck with SuperFeet than custom orthotics. The customs caused my back to spasm something wicked - within 5 minutes of wearing them. Unfortunately it took me a month to figure it out. Superfeet haven’t done that to me.

Yes! Over a year ago I was diagnosed with Metatarsalgia. It took me over six months to actually go IN and get that diagnosis after trying to heal myself. I got custom orthotics and while they immediately helped me some, it took another year for me to truly heal. I could not believe how long this all took. But when you’re using the offended feet every day, I guess that’s how it is.

I can now walk barefoot across our hardwood floor, something I could not do. I am slowly experimenting again with different shoes, (my faves tend to be Merrells) and am branching back out into shoes I haven’t worn for two years, though I am always careful.

Good luck and don’t get discouraged if it takes longer than you think it should!

Thanks for the replies! It did take me a long time to actually seek a doctor because I was trying different things on my own. Then a chiropractor, who fixed my neck told me he could give me better orthotics than a podiatrist… he should stick to necks :frowning: Very excited to see if these will help, even if it takes awhile.