Any registry options for my mare?

Hello! I’m new here so apologies for any formatting funkiness.

I have a 3 year old mare that is currently unregistered. She was bred by a friend of mine :yellow_heart: mom is an AQHA ( & dad was a Westphalian (

We don’t own mom anymore so anything involving an inspection is out.

It really doesn’t matter too much, but I was just curious if there was anything! Thank you :yellow_heart:

mom & faye at about 4-5 months old

Faye now at 3!

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You could likely get at least a certificate of pedigree with NAS:

AWSSR might give you options too, depending on whether you can verify DNA:

WESTF might be an option for a Horse Identification Document:

You could also check with ISR for a certificate of birth:

Cute filly!

thank you so much, that’s INCREDIBLY helpful! & thank you! she’s a delight

Are you sure that is the sire? He was born in 1986. It is possible with AI though. I don’t know if Westphalian requires the sire to be licensed for a certificate of pedigree and if they require the DNA of the stallion to be on file or not. I would start by asking them these questions concerning a COP with this registry. If the stallion is licensed by them that would be the easiest route.

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That’s a good looking foal. I understand why you’re interesting in pursuing registration.

Oops probably should’ve said something about that! Yes that’s dad- he was owned by a friend of my mom & we’ve had some doses from him saved for years that we use occasionally. His babies are the best, I’ve know probably 5-6 of them. Thank you for the input!


Thank you! She’s the best 🩷

The dam sure goes Backkkkkk! Foundation breeding and on the page!

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