Any riders with organ transplants?

Just wanted to see if there is anyone else here that has gotten an organ transplant or even a kidney transplant and rides? I’m 12 years post kidney transplant and currently sitting in the hospital with some transplant complications. Would love to hear what others have gone through.

There is another here who posted regularly who had a kidney transplant quite a few years ago, but I am struggling to remember her name. Perhaps if you search for kidney transplant something might come up? I’m sure it will come to me eventually but that is no use to you at the moment.

My father had a kidney transplant but with only minor rejection issues early on. I hope your complications are resolved and you are out of the hospital soon.

I just remembered, I think her screen name is Silk.

@saitou_amaya I’m sorry to hear you are having complications. How are you? Send PM if you would like.

My friend, to whom I donated a kidney is doing well but wasn’t and isn’t able to ride for other reasons.

Thinking of you and wishing the best for you.

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I used to teach a kid who had received her dad’s kidney. She got her helmet as part of her “Make a Wish” wish. She rode (jumped) with me for about 6 years, and only stopped when University got too demanding and now only pleasure rides. She is still healthy and active: just doesn’t have time/money for lessons.

I hope your health turns around.

I donated 30 years ago which means I have a long incision basically cutting me in half. However I have been riding for years ,keep my horses at home and of course have survived a few falls. The recipient used to have the new kidney near her belly so not as protected as mine but still the risks are similar. I was more concerned about a car wreck, still you would not want to play contact sports.
I’m not sure what you wanted with your question because having one kidney does put you at risk no matter why you have one kidney.
From your post it sounds like your original illness may be the problem or are you experiencing rejection issues?
Hope you recover from your current difficulties and can return to riding.
best of luck

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I forgot I posted this thread (probably because I was on pain meds!) and just came back to it. It’s funny you mention Make a Wish–when I was 15 and on dialysis before my kidney transplant, Make a Wish got me a horse. I still have the horse 14 years later, although now he is mostly retired. Best make a Wish gift ever!

It’s good to hear there are other equestrians with spare parts. I’m doing a lot better after a few days in the hospital and a lot of antibiotics. The kidney transplant meds I’m on to prevent rejection severely weaken the immune system and turns out I got cat scratch fever from one of my kitties!


OP, sorry I wish I could offer more than hugs and prayers for good health and many happy trails.

Just wondering if there’s anyone out there that has had a heart transplant? How long did it take to get back in the tack?