Any tracks hosting OTTB sales open to public at end of season? (or mid season?)

I’m wondering if there are tracks out there that successfully hold sales for retiring horses that are open to the public? I know I’ve read of them in the past but can’t remember who/where.

Wondering if they are helpful, and hoping for any lessons learned or tips…

We are currently investigating the possibility of doing this. Anything is on the table for now, from chaperoned groups at the barns, to paddock parades with light refreshments…

Thanks in advance for any info!

It’s an idea. Though speaking from the other end of the process, is it a good idea? The people I know who successfully restart OTTB are trainers, who then can sell them on.

I have seen so many disasters from regular ammies or juniors taking on OTTB (or indeed green broke horses generally). And bringing in buyers who think, cool, I’ll get this $100,000 racehorse for $5000 or whatever, what a bargain, and my kids can ride him round the front yard? Not so great.

If there was a way of getting local trainers in to a sale, that would be a great idea. Or even getting them.from some distance. Eventers really love OTTB. Maybe contacting eventers in your region?

Delaware Park has done a Showcase at the end of the season (October-ish, I think) for the past couple of years now. Facebook page is here: and they mention it on their CANTER homepage. I went once and it was a really nice event. I think jleegriffith from Benchmark Sporthorses may work with them as well.


bdj Thank you!! That is exactly the info I was looking for. I appreciate it! If it isn’t too much trouble, would you mind jotting down what you liked and if possible any suggestions for things you would like to have in a showcase? I’m writing up a proposal and am hoping to learn from other’s past experiences. CANTER has been our inspiration.

OP is describing what a year end /end-of-meet Showcase is. They used to be more common before internet listings took off, because it was good time to have people showcase a horse that wasn’t competitive enough to go with them to the next track. There are a few race-tracks statewide that still do it.

I used to regularly attend a couple, but the track I preferred to go to for projects closed down (Suffolk). When Suffolk did it, it could be a lot of fun.

It takes a lot of managing from an organizational standpoint though. I was really tired at the last showcase I volunteered at! It was a long day - lots of really nice horses though.

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There was one a few weeks ago in Houston. It’s a yearly deal called Roses to Ribbons Old Fashioned Horse Sale or something. I was sad to miss it this time around. I heard there was a little gelding I would have liked.