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Any wild bird experts? Chimney Swift questions

We have had chimney swifts nesting in one chimney for years, we purposely didn’t cap that chimney for them. Every spring I listen to the chittering in the chimney and the noise gradually dies down as the fledglings leave mid-late June. But this year, for the first time in ~16 years, the fledglings are falling into the fireplace. I just rescued another one, which is traumatic for the birds and me. What’s going on? Why are they falling? And what can we do to help them?

Wildlife rehabilitaters of NC has a pdf on chimney swifts. Says dehydration can sometimes cause them to fall. Worth the read!

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Can you tell me how to locate it or can you share? They have an FB page, not a website, and I can’t find anything on the FB page.