Anybody ever had painful hip fixed and no loner need meds or have pain?

I have an appointment with the Ortho Dr. next week and I’d kinda like to hear from some of you horsey types if you have ever gotten a hip fix and been FIXED, not always back for more treatments? I’d really like to get back on my horse occasionally (couple times a week), but at the moment it’s all I can do to get in/out of my little truck without considerable pain.
I’ve had no injuries or excessive types of exercise/hobbies, just a normal lifestyle but the hip issue has been coming on for quite a while (years) and now I can’t ignore it anymore. Hence the Dr. appointment. Any type of Arthritis has already been ruled out.
I read though the Hip Pain Club posts, and didn’t get much of a warm fuzzy.:no: Anyone got a POSITIVE result from hip surgery?

Yes ! THR = complete fix = no more pain & no more meds EVER !


[QUOTE=Zu Zu;8883395]
Yes ! THR = complete fix = no more pain & no more meds EVER !


Can you elaborate?

Simply got my life back !

Check past threads on THR and riding …

I ride and drive horses and hackneys - no pain Ever .

I can do anything and everything now - THR 1-17-05 .

I also ride my unicycle - really ![/B]

A man in our community foxhunted for years with his two replaced hips

Left Hip replaced 2015, right one 2016. Anterior Approach. I am 68 years old. Avid Trairider. I can ride all Day with no Pain or Meds. Got my Life back. Before, I was in terrible Pain, limping badly, no riding.

THR also. 3 years ago. I can now ride all day with ZERO pain in that hip.

Total hip replacement is usually for arthritic hips although also for avascular necrosis of the ball of the femur.
You say arthritis has been ruled out…

Anyway, it sounds like you need a definite diagnosis.

I have to agree with the others…if it is indicated, hip replacement will help tremendously. There are some newer procedures that decrease your downtime and possible complications.

I had a lot of soft tissue/muscle issues in addition to arthritis and AVN and it took me awhile to get pain free but hands down the best thing I did. I had the Superpath approach and was back to work in 3 weeks and on my horse in 4 1/2 weeks (ok, only walking around but on the horse:D). Hardly a blip to regain normal mobility.

Good luck.


I had total hip replacement in January of this year. I had the anterior approach done which is a much faster recovery. I was back in about 3 months doing barn chores etc. I got back in the saddle in April but very slowly. I am actually seeing my Orth. Doctor Friday to schedule having my right hip done as well. I could not be more pleased with the outcome of my first surgery and hoping the next surgery goes as well! good luck and let us hear how you appointment goes!

Wow, glad to hear some success stories. :winkgrin: Got rather tired of all the gloom and doom answers, however I am fully aware that I may not get the recovery some of you have had. But at least I feel better about going to Dr. on the 21st. I will keep ya’all advised of diagnosis and what is going to be done.

Both hips re-surfaced (google surfacehippy) after years of bone on bone. Done at 50 and 51. Back to riding, jumping, trail riding, backcountry trips where I’m on horseback 10-12 hours, running, including on pavement, hiking, snowmachines, yada yada yada. Minimal pain meds for the first one and zero for the second. Six month no impact restrictions, no restrictions now. Only regret is I didn’t do it sooner. And I ride a draft x, big wide horse :slight_smile:

I was getting down about my hip labral surgery I had done at the beginning of the year. It just took some time before I could get back going.

I did have to buy a saddle with a narrow twist and it significantly helped my hip pain. I also got royal rider stirrups and those help alot

My mum doesn’t ride anymore but she had hip pain. She decided to go under the knife and get a new hip even though they said too old and she might die. Before this she stopped doing almost everything and going out.

She gets better every single day and it has been over a year. She is never home. She is playing Outdoor Bowls, pool, going to cards, going to Garden Club, going to Happy hour and going out to meals.

She is able to drive again.

On the other hand Hubby’s Papa is 86 yo. He was supposed to get a knee operation.

He refused.

He has gotten worse every single day now and it has been over a year. He has given up putdoor bowls. He can no longer get to the meal by himself, his daughter is being paid as a carer to look after him. She has to come and drive him to the meal and then return to take him home again and that is with him having his own electric scooter.

My hip itself doesn’t ever bother me anymore but I do get bursitis and piraformus syndrome and sciatica etc. It was 100% worth it to me and I would do it again in a second if I had to.

On the other hand Hubby’s Papa is 86 yo. He was supposed to get a knee operation.

He refused.

He has gotten worse every single day now and it has been over a year. He has given up putdoor bowls. He can no longer get to the meal by himself, his daughter is being paid as a carer to look after him. She has to come and drive him to the meal and then return to take him home again and that is with him having his own electric scooter.[/QUOTE]

I know two in their 80’s who had knees done. It wasn’t life changing for either. I take that back, for one it was life changing - he had other issues and never really recovered. His last couple years were one thing after another; he would have been better off without it. The other used a walker before and still uses a walker after.

He is past using a walker. He has a walker, walking sticks and an electric scooter none of them are much good anymore.

Same man would not get a skin cancer looked at. Until he knocked it and it would not stop bleeding. His daughter made him go to get it treated.

My 75 yo friend finally got one knee done. She was out of Hospital in 4 days. Within a week she was going outside to feed the birds and in 2 weeks going outside to feed the cows.

She marvels now at having a straight leg and a knee that will bend. She is going to get the other knee done soon.

Make sure with MD/MRI if there could be any tendon tears.

He is past using a walker. He has a walker, walking sticks and an electric scooter none of them are much good anymore.

Same man would not get a skin cancer looked at. Until he knocked it and it would not stop bleeding. His daughter made him go to get it treated.

My 75 yo friend finally got one knee done. She was out of Hospital in 4 days. Within a week she was going outside to feed the birds and in 2 weeks going outside to feed the cows.

She marvels now at having a straight leg and a knee that will bend. She is going to get the other knee done soon.[/QUOTE]

There is a big difference between getting a hip or knee done at 75 and 85. At 75, go for it. My guess is the OP is 50-60ish, and it makes a big difference in life at that age.

At 85 and the situation you describe, it wouldn’t suddenly make him mobile. My aunt had visions of what you describe; that’s not the reality. You are comparing apples and oranges.

Both hips have been replaced. NO HIP PAIN

I’ve had both hips replaced. The surgeries were seven years apart. My position while riding has improved immensely and while I have arthritis in my back and other joints, my HIPS DO NOT hurt. That always present pain that I endured for years is GONE! My only regret is that I didn’t get them done sooner.

There is a great book called “Pain Free” by Pete Egoscue. It offers a great deal of info. If you have the time and ability to do positioning it may help. I had horrible hip pain, could barely walk! I started yoga and other “positioning” regimens and can address it as it arises or avoid pain altogether by doing it regularly. I, too, have heard so many horror stories. I have also heard success stories but I am loathe to go under the knife.