Anybody had bunionectomies?

I have an appointment with an ortho surgeon on 11/18. Have had bunions for years but they are really getting bad now and I figure I had better do something about this before it gets any worse. Recovery time? When would it be OK to start riding again?

I did. Pain was unreal and it was 3 1/2 months before I could ride. YMMV. So sorry you need it done, it was no fun at all.

That said, one of my clients had it done a few years ago, was back in the office after 10 days and whizzed around like nothing had happened a week later. Fingers crossed it’s the latter :yes:

Thanks Coreene. Ugh.

A lady I work with had it done and it seemed to take forever for it to heal. Her doctor told her she would only need to take a couple of weeks off work. Being a nurse, she was on her feet a lot at work. I think that’s why it took so long to heal. Her incision looked like it was totally infected and had a huge scab on it that was at least an inch wide and ran the whole length of the incision which was a good 6-7 inches long. She said that if she ever needed to have her other foot done, she was taking off double the time.

Yikes. Well, it absolutely needs to be done. One foot is worse than the other, the bad foot has an unstable joint where the big toe meets the foot. The good news is that I can work in a wheelchair so I probably won’t be out of work too long.

Funny you should ask! Currently off for break(teacher) and just had it done. This is my 3rd time on this foot, and included a major hammer toe fix also. Should have done it sooner, just did t want to give up the time. Be sure you really trust the surgeon, and follow rest orders. (My earlier surgeries were when I was in college decades ago, and I was too active too soon). I’ve had no pain, and it’s healing well.

I had one many years ago, mine was fixed with a pin, I had about six weeks of recovery and went back to work but otherwise have had no problem with it. It fixed my pain and it has not reoccurred. At the same time I also had a little toe joint removed to solve that problem also. I do not wear high heels or constrictive or too narrow shoes.

Had my right foot done in 2001 - have two pins in my big toe, had a knot removed from my second toe and have a pin in my little toe. Was no big deal. Was on crutches, non-weight-bearing for a few weeks, zero pain, very little PT required. I’ve never gone back to fix the left foot, but only because it doesn’t bother me as much as the other foot did and there was never a good time to do it (I’m the only one in the family with horses so finding someone to feed and clean stalls is a PITA. Hopefully yours will be as quick and easy as mine was!

I had mine done when I was only 13 they were so bad. The first one was done with local anesthetic, as a kid, the cool only lasted about two minutes before they quickly realized foot two would need to be done with me out cold.

Recovery took weeks for each foot but I was mostly pain free the whole time. My mom didn’t let me rush it and I’m grateful for that. I was riding again in a month or two each time.