Anybody have HA injections in the hip(s)?

I have had a few series of HA injections in my right knee which did the job, each for a couple of years–just now considering another round.

However, now my right hip has started to complain. Has anyone here had HA injections in the hip joint? If so, will you share your experiences?


It’s been offered to me, but we skipped straight to PRP instead.

From what I understand, you may have a hard time getting HA into the hip joint paid for by insurance, and you may have to show that steroid into the joint has failed before they’ll even consider it.

Curious to see what other responses you get! :slight_smile:

Simile, how did the PRP work out for you?

Do you have any links to good RPR articles?


That’s a can of worms, beau :wink:

The labrum in my left hip has been reconstructed with an allograft, and the joint is still painful. I would call PRP a failure in that joint. First time through was about a year ago now, and I got about 6 good weeks. We redid it in October, and I don’t think I got anything out of it.

I also had PRP in the right hip, which was painful with a labral tear, about a year ago. Much better result on that side and for the most part I am still pain free today.

I’m seeing a new doc here in CT who was very dismissive not only of the equipment my MN doc was using but also of the technique. So perhaps I would have had a different result on the left hip had the equipment and technique been different. The doc here says the literature is very clear on the equipment, and he is much more focused on where he puts the PRP–if the labrum is the problem, he injects INTO the labrum. My PRP has always just been into the joint capsule.

So…worth investigating, but make sure the person you use is up to date on the literature.

Also: the flare I had after the first series in particular was INTENSE. I really couldn’t walk the next day. So be prepared for that…I was really blindsided, did not expect at all.

And insurance won’t pay for it :frowning:

I’m surprised to hear that insurance didn’t pay! Surely an injection is less expensive than a replacement, and insurers aren’t known for compassion that costs more than $1.98.

I’ve read that there are exercises to help, but I haven’t done anything about that.

Thanks for the input.

PRP is pretty unproven in the literature. It’s experimental. Insurance generally doesn’t pay for experimental stuff.

FWIW, it was $1k for one joint in MN and $1500 for two at the same time. Dunno if that’s a fairly universal price.

Thanks Simkie. I’m having computer problems so can’t respond fully now. I’m on someone else’s computer to reply to this right now. Well wishes and will respond as soon as I can.