Anybody suffer from anxiety or have anxiety attacks?

I get the tingling, and a clutching feeling in my chest/abdomen, and feel like I want to run, or like I can’t breathe. Often it’s hypochondrial in nature-I can work myself into a panic over my panic symptoms! (I’ve wound up in the ER getting an EKG because of it.) I won’t take psychiatric meds (I’ve been on antidepressants and I don’t like how I feel–not physical side effects, but I can’t write or think clearly with them, like I go from anxious to indifferent) but I’ve found exercise and mental exercises actually do help.

I have GAD and OCD and medication for both, but sometimes it’s not enough. Horses help sometimes but I recently had a bad fall and am essentially terrified of riding right now, so I’m trying to work back up to it. I would be happy to talk or provide mutual support via PM… I’m new here so I understand if you’re not comfortable. I take Celexa and when needed, Klonopin, and they do help. They make it bearable where before it wasn’t. I have tried various therapies with little luck but am trying again starting Monday.

Today is an anxious day for me; my heart is racing and I feel like I’m going to jump out of my skin. I don’t particularly want to go ride but I wouldn’t mind spending some time AROUND horses tonight. Unfortunately as a lesson student (a fairly new one) I don’t really have that chance.

For me: Social situations, crowds, performing in front of people (sort of including riding lessons), situations that might involve falling.

I have panic attacks. The first one i remember happened ages ago when i was at college. A couple of months after a bad fall from a horse. The panic attack did not come while i was riding. It just came. Years later i developed agoraphobia. It was “in remission” for years but sometimes attacks there days. I had a terrifying panic attack this weekend, the worst i have ever had because in addition to the other terrifying symptoms i could not take a deep enough breath to feel i could get my breath. I nearly dialled 911. I felt pretty good today (after i got off work) but then had another small attack tonight, which is why i logged onto this forum, just to ask if anyone was around, just to connect with someone. I was very glad to see this thread and got so interested in reading it that now i feel much better. I would be happy to discuss this more on the thread or by PM.

I have just been prescribed Clonazepam for panic attacks. It is a benzodiazepine like Lorazepam.

Have any of you taken it?

Brand name is Klonopin. Yep. took it for a long time. Effective as Ativan for stopping panic attacks. Found it would turn the volume down for me, so to speak, but would not make them go away entirely.

Klonopin can also be used for Seizures.

I take 1 mg morning and night. Honestly, it didn’t help the panic attacks as an only medication. I had to take Paxil with it.

From what my Dr. said, Klonopin is a long lasting tranquilizer.

But if it works for you, great! At least it doesn’t put the weight on like the other anti-anxiety medications.

There are conditions know to cause panic/anxiety attacks. Thyroid problems are one and Lyme disease is another. I’m sure there are other diseases and conditions that can contribute to anxiety attacks as well.

Anyone ever try Cetazolam? It was a life saver during my last depression/anxiety crisis. I had stopped taking it for a while but a friend got seriously ill so I had to start taking it again before my anxiety was out of control. It definitely helped me keep it together during a very emotional time.

I have wasted years not riding in public or even getting on horses infront of clients w/ Anxiety…poor self image as I aged and my shape shifted…finally slowly getting over it!!! W/O medication or booze…:slight_smile:

HEART PALPATATIONS< STOMACHE ISSUES< SHORT OF BREATH< SWEATS, YUP>>>But finally slowly its abating and I am slowly riding in public and showing my beloved horse…he was part of it because I was damned if I would waste him or have someone else show him!!
Lyme disease is another
Bingo…had severe case off the chart tigter…feel like a new person 1 year later. Plus blood pressure medication made a huge diffrence as well

What an interesting topic…

So, when I was a kid I actually was kind of “prescribed” horses. I had very bad socialization and cognitive issues, psych suggested animal therapy which eventually led to riding.

I started having depression issues when I was in high school. Got better in college. Then, once I graduated it came back HARD along with anxiety attacks. I haven’t had health insurance in years because I work with horses so get paid basically nothing (lol, oh job) but my doctor has recommended several meds over the years. Unfortunately, I ended up “self medicating” with both illegal and prescription substances (I also have ADHD and can’t afford Adderall so take it as I get it). Got to the point of cutting and having daily anxiety attacks before and during work (I’m not at that job anymore).

My biggest symptoms were probably paranoia, stomach issues, and this overwhelming need to move/crawl/itch out of my own skin. I would do a lot of repetitive movements (especially with my hands) to get some of “it” out. My horses help a LOT when I’m having a particularly bad day, I’ve never had an anxiety issue while at the barn or on a ride. Sometimes it seems like its the only time when my brain is quiet.

Sorry, don’t mean to be a downer on the thread. I just started typing and it felt good to type it all out. So, umm, thanks :slight_smile: