Anyone dealt with Pikturesque Farm (Ontario, CAN)?

Now that my mare is nearing 20s I’m thinking about a youngster to bring up. I’ve been really enamored with German Riding Ponies and other sport ponies but living in North America, hard to come by it seems. Some of Pikturesque’s stock caught my eye but searching brought up some drama with Aloha’s past owner(?). Does this drama carry over to Pikturesque/Sarah Wilson who seems to have Aloha now?

Any other breeders of GRPs in NA I should be aware of?

I don’t know them/her personally, but I do live close enough that if you want me to go see anything on your behalf, I totally would (cough cough…secretly wants a palomino pony).

One of their broodmares I know personally, and I did know/work with the (now deceased) stallion Quilot Z whom they stood for his last years.

Not sure if this is in any way helpful though, but PM me if you’d like?

Probably almost a year out from me buying anything but gosh all 3 of her Hillkens Go For Gold x Sarona siblings are making me droooool on my keyboard. Just want to know if it’s worth keeping up with them. Curious to know when/where you worked with two of her stock - before they were at Pikturesque?

If you’re still around next spring/summer I might take you up on that haha

Yes, before they were at Pikturesque :slight_smile:

Quilot Z was one of the sweetest and gentle stallions I had ever handled.

I am not familiar with Sarona but agree that she puts out some lovely babies.

Most definitely let me know come next spring!

I have a wonderful GRP bred by Tenacious Acres here in SC. A lot of people have been very pleased with her babies as I have become friends with other owners too.

Just a lil update: I am no longer in the market. My mare decided to make a quick and unexpected exit - through sheer dumb luck I ended up with a dream of a GRP pony mare and never made it up to Pikturesque.

Thanks all


I’ve only just seen this.
I’m happy to see that Quilot Z was such a nice guy. I do have one of his babies (well he’s now 16!) And he’s just a quirky giant orange retriever… His best life would be snuggling and eating snacks with little kids on a large horse size couch!

I’m sorry @quarab for your loss but congrats on your new girl!!

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