Anyone else just tired?

I am not just tired. I’m exhausted. I’m also sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have been diagnosed Fibromyalgia this past December. This is after 3 years of symptoms. I have also been diagnosed sleep apnea. I have been Vit B12 defecient in the past. I just came back Vit D defecient AGAIN for the 4th time. I had just come off the 50,000 IU dosage 6 weeks before and was still eating tons of vit D pills a week. I am waiting to be seen and evaluated for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome too by a specialist in Baltimore sometime soon.

As for my horses, they are in TN with my best friend. When I kept having nightmares about calling the vet out for colic I figured it was my subscious (spelling) telling me I was going beyond benignly neglecting them. I had tried changes like getting them a round bale and converting my barn in to a run in for when the weather allowed. That helped for a while when I was still able to function. Then I could wait till a good day and use the tractor to just strip the run in and stalls. Eventually though I hauled them to my best friend’s house because I trusted her to care for them. They will stay with her indefinitely. I do not worry about them there.

I would love to bring my palomino back home to the boarding barn that will be 0.3 miles down the road from my new house, but first I need to come home and have enough energy to do more than feed myself and my daughter, the dogs, and go to bed. If I can’t find the energy to exercise or be active for an hour 3 times a week then there is no point in having my horse hauled back to NY because I wouldn’t make it to the barn to spend any time with her.

I was at the tack shop and almost bought the trail riding Tucker wide stirrups I wanted. I then realized I haven’t ridden in a year and my horses are 14 hours away. WHY do I need trail riding stirrups? I put them back. :frowning: A year ago I was the therapeutic riding instructor and now I won’t even go sign myself up as a rider. I’m too tired and and my joints are dislocated ALL THE TIME. If I’m getting on any horse I’m getting on mine. When I saw mine at Christmas I was too sore and in too big a flare to do anything other than cry in to their manes.

PalominoMorgan, I am sorry you are hurting so much. :frowning:

Thanks Pam. There was a whole lot going on at Christmas time so there was really zero chance that I was going to get on my horse. It was a shame because I wanted to so badly, but it just wasn’t doing to happen. Still, it was really good to see them. Hopefully, once some of the MAJOR stresses in my life are settled my health will settle down too and I can start to function again. That’s my plan anyway. I’m giving myself and the horses a year to see if I can regain some sort of semblance of a life before making any decisions about who is or is not coming back to NY. Until then, they are getting great care and each of them is going exactly what they are meant to do in life. One is going to do some eventing and the other is getting loved on by kids and giving some beginner lessons. Life is good for them.

Some suggestions for those of you with anxiety orders. Find a good psychologist to see along with the doctor prescribing meds. They can give you non-medical ways to deal with anxiety with the goal of reducing or coming off meds.

Consider that you may have Lyme disease if you’re in a Lyme endemic area or have traveled to one.

Check for hypothyroidism (fatigue, dry skin, weight gain, anxiety).

Could be mold blooming. If there’s been any warm-up in the weather at all, and especially if you have a damp basement or crawlspace, that could be the case. Likely you will not be able to actually smell the mold but it’s there. We lived in a house with a leaky basement for a few years (a rental), and come spring, look out. Both of my eyes swelled shut and so then I just took antihistamines to cope. All year I take an old-fashioned antihist at night that’s esp. good for someone with hives, and in spring and fall add Loratadine (Claritin) during the day. Zyrtec knocks me out. If my allergies overcome the medication I feel like I have the flu and get large hives (as in my whole hand or foot will end up swelling, going up the arm or leg). Thankfully this doesn’t happen often. I’m religious about taking the antihistamines daily as their best use by far is before a reaction gets revved up.

[QUOTE=LauraKY;5480831]Some suggestions for those of you with anxiety orders. Find a good psychologist to see along with the doctor prescribing meds. They can give you non-medical ways to deal with anxiety with the goal of reducing or coming off meds.

Consider that you may have Lyme disease if you’re in a Lyme endemic area or have traveled to one.

Check for hypothyroidism (fatigue, dry skin, weight gain, anxiety).[/QUOTE]

and vitamin D deficiency (already mentioned here, but a big source of fatigue) and anemia.

I am really tired and I feel ashamed to be complaining about it. Why? Because one of my best friends is suffering from an extreme fatigue that keeps her from taking more than a few steps before she has to catch her breath. So far she hasn’t been diagnosed. All the stress of not knowing what is wrong with her and fearing for her, along with the added stress from work (she’s also my coworker and we have no chance to find a temp to replace her) is really wearing me out. And yet i feel i don’t have the right to complain. I am exhausted but I can still get up, go to work and manage to ride a couple times a week (when I don’t end up with a migraine). But all this anxiety is wearing me down, because I suffer from chronic depression and anxiety. I don’t deal well with highly stressful situations. I feel I have no right to break down, but I’m finding it hard to keep it together. I almost wish i could get one of those anti-psychotic drugs that make you detached from reality, just so that I could stop stressing out for a little while.

I am really tired and I feel ashamed to be complaining about it. Why? Because one of my best friends is suffering from an extreme fatigue that keeps her from taking more than a few steps before she has to catch her breath. So far she hasn’t been diagnosed. All the stress of not knowing what is wrong with her and fearing for her, along with the added stress from work (she’s also my coworker and we have no chance to find a temp to replace her) is really wearing me out. And yet i feel i don’t have the right to complain. I am exhausted but I can still get up, go to work and manage to ride a couple times a week (when I don’t end up with a migraine). But all this anxiety is wearing me down, because I suffer from chronic depression and anxiety. I don’t deal well with highly stressful situations. I feel I have no right to break down, but I’m finding it hard to keep it together. I almost wish i could get one of those anti-psychotic drugs that make you detached from reality, just so that I could stop stressing out for a little while.[/QUOTE]

Turns out my friend has pulmonary hypertension - PH - which is a disease that keeps the arteries from carrying oxygen to you lungs. She’s finally been diagnose with PH and treated but it’s a rare disease with no cure so she’ll have to take meds for the rest of her life.

I have fibro, epilepsy, spinal injuries, a brain tumor and severe chronic pain, so I can definitely sympathize. “Normal” people don’t realize how debilitating pain and fatigue can be. It just takes your life away. I’m sorry that you haven’t been able to work your horse during this time. Is there anyone that could work with him for you when you’re too sick to ride? I know it’s not the same, but it might help. Getting into support groups (kinda like this!) has been a huge help too.
I’ve been really frustrated, 'cause since my illnesses have gotten worse I had to move away from the farm where I worked. Since then, I’ve had 0 contact with horses. Sometimes I just sit in bed and cry because I miss them so much. They motivated me to get out of bed and outside. And just made the world a better place.

How many of you ladies have been tested for food allergies? For some reason my Dr.s will not test me. But other women I know finally forced their Dr.s to get them allergy tested. One of them was wheat allergic and Soy allergic as well as milk allergic. Once she cut those out of her diet she recovered like magic. I know I am wheat allergic and corn gives me tired and sluggish days when I eat fresh corn. I have had this tired all the time problem for years. I have been on 5,000 units of Vitamin D 3 every morning and it has helped my “Seasonal Effective Dis order” . I find you have to tell the Dr.s you are sick of being wiped out and hurtng all the time and make them understand how miserable you are. Anti depressants do not help. they made my problems worse. Paxil put me on the floor.I had to literally crawl on the floor to get to the bathroom. I lay in the bed for 2 weeks. I stopped taking it on my own. Someday I will find someone who will do an allergy panel on me. I think that will be the answer to my “Dead on my Feet” symptoms. I have had Fibromyalgia for 25 years and the Dr.s told me it was all in my mind. So when I punch him out, I can say he just imagined I punched him?

I had an allergy panel done through a naturopath. After years of being told by numerous doctors that my son was not allergic to eggs, it turned out he was.

I have just purchased a juicer in an attempt to battle my fatigue. I am experiencing a small increase in energy but have only been using it it a few days so far.

Nutrition will fix you. Go for alkaline.