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Anyone familiar with this? http://try.sleekez.com/hd1/


As we are in the midst of shedding season, I’m considering purchasing this… Anyone have one? Recommendations? Alternatives?

We’ve got shedding blades.

I have one, it works well, but I don’t think it’s any better than shedding blades. i usually end up using the shedding blades.

I have one and I think it works much better than a shedding blade. Bought a couple of years ago, indestructible. Love it.

I have one and like it quite a bit. I find it a bit easier to hold and maneuver than a standard shedding blade.

It’s also pretty easy to replicate, since it’s essentially a hacksaw blade in a block of wood. DH made me an extra after examining the one I bought; the homemade version works very well, too.

I thought it worked well at first but the blade either got dirty or dull quickly and it didn’t work as well. I like the shed flower better.