Anyone find a way to ride with Hemmoroids

Wow hard to post that question but its a common issue for equestrians.

Anyway now that I’ve asked any good suggestions on how to ride with them?. I ride gaited which ,means I sit, a lot and I ride gaited because of a permenately busted ankle = no posting.
I have bad ones and all my research showed nothing fixes them .Even surgeries but damn they hurt and then they re-occur in most people so whats the point. Plus its 6 months of not riding … The doctors tell me its real painful . I’ve learned that means awful as they say “uncomfortable” when it just hurts a lot.

So has anyone find a way to stay in the saddle when they are acting up.It seems they also cause cody pain and sciata?
Sorry if this grosses some of you out as it does me but the docs just say stop riding, yea when I’m dead.

Keep yourself regular so as you never strain doing a number 2.

When doing a number 2 either lean forward on to your knees or get a stepstool to bring your knees up. This aligns you better and makes it easier to come out without straining.

Use hemmeroid cream with an anesthetic.

Since doing 1 & 2, I haven’t needed 3.

What SuzieQ said plus lots of sitting in hot baths as often as you can soak.
Also take something each night like metamucil for bulk.

Has a doctor ever prescribed “proctofoam” which seems to help many people with all the above.

Painful problem…yes.