Anyone had Discectomy and Fusion surgery?

I think the hardest part was everyone - doctor, PT, absolutely raving about how great I was doing post op, I was such a great surgical candidate, etc, and then afterwards to learn of all the risks of surgery that I was never informed about…[/QUOTE]

I am just so sorry that it didn’t work out well for you. There are risks with every surgery and we always think we won’t be the small percentage that fail or make things worse. I hope they come up with a plan that works for you.

I agree with Laurie… don’t stop here… Go to someone else and get a new plan.

I had a ruptured disc at c5 /c6. Pain & nerve issues. Surgeon implanted a “Prestige” disc on a Friday, May 2010. Went home on Saturday (no collar just a bandaid on neck), Hurt a bit on Sunday, resumed normal activities on Monday. Here at 2014, I forget it’s there.

Advantages over a fusion are many but a fusion is always a future option. Once fused, can’t go back.

PM me if you want more details or have questions…[/QUOTE]

Thanks hosspuller. Yes I think this is preferred over a fusion but I do have something going on with C6-7 as well although much less. Surgeons will do the replacement for someone who has one level disease but it’s not protocol for two levels in the US. With my second disc being much less affected I’m not sure whether I’ll qualify and whether insurance will pay for it. Fingers crossed as the replacement sounds way better to me. I may even have to cough up the bucks if the surgeon wants to do it and insurance won’t pay. I’m going to several surgeons who do replacements and even hybrid replacement/fusions for their opinions before I decide what to do. I’m a little scared to know what it will cost if I have to pay it out of pocket. Yikes!

Earwen - I had L5-S1 fused when I was 19. Had lost all strength as well as knee and ankle reflexes on one leg. Strength and reflexes came back, but pain never went away. Had L4-L5 fused 3.5 years later, in 2004. Did great until 2 years ago - even competed in endurance rides! Started having problems in 2012, went through epidurals with pain management, 2 MRI’s, had to jump through hoops to find a neurosurgeon who would even LOOK at me (doc who did last surgery no longer takes my insurance). Long story short, it took a year to get me to a surgeon who ordered a CT myelogram. Turns out the left L4 screw migrated, was sitting in the central canal and had broken off bone chips that were sitting by the exiting nerve root. The MRI’s didn’t show the any of that - there was too much metallic artifact despite having them done with & without contrast and on a 3.0 Tesla machine. The surgery to remove all hardware, bone chips & an L3 laminectomy was almost a year ago & I’m doing OK. So… Don’t give up, keep pressing docs (and see more than one doc!) until you figure out a plan. Remember that MRI’s are not the “gold standard” now that you have hardware in your spine - issues can hide behind metallic artifact. Best wishes to you.

Thanks Tarynis, I will keep trying. I’ve been teetering on not wanting more appointments because I don’t want more bad news.

Thanks Tarynis, I will keep trying. I’ve been teetering on not wanting more appointments because I don’t want more bad news.[/QUOTE]

Don’t give up EarwenES. Keep at it until you get what you need.

I had a fusion at c-5 and c-6 20 years ago, (Is that a long time or what!) and it was a difficult decision. That said I have never regretted it. An x-ray at 8 weeks post op showed the completely fused vertebrae. Really creepy looking at that on an x-ray. Anyhow, I went back to my normal life with the only downside being a reduced range of motion in my neck. I can’t turn my head far enough to look behind me. Which may be a good thing…

I’m almost exactly 1 year post-op from S1-L5-L4 fusion with hardware and an iliac bolt for stabilization. Began training for endurance again at 6 months post-op. Rode a 25 mile “endurance” (LD) ride at 8 months post-op and a 50 at 11 months post-op. I bicycle about 30-40 miles a week and hike about 15 a week. now, as I think being fit helps my back.

Other than a blood clot that I developed (which yes, as has been discussed–there ARE risks involved!!) the fusion has been perfect and riding is great. I do not regret it. Good luck to you!