Anyone had their tailbone removed.

I have had chronic tailbone pain for years. Usually, it has been tolerable with lots of cushions and standing but it has times where it ramps up and is a royal pain in the butt:lol:. I have been to multiple docs, PT, acupuncture, yoga and been imaged most every way you can with the report coming back as “normal” anatomy. Just started with a different pain doctor and she recommended I see a chiropractor (I’ve done that before). I was not crazy about that. But, heck at this point what do I have to lose? Well he decided he couldn’t help me but he found the problem…after all these years. I have a spicule on the lower most section of tailbone. In other words, my tailbone has a tail. It points down and has a point!
He picked it up on a CAT scan I had for an unrelated issue and it is visible on the sitting X-Ray I had done in May. Radiologist deemed it normal:confused: Ouch!

So, has anyone had their tailbone removed. NOT a nice surgery but said spicule will not go away. It is probably a type of birth defect. Recovery is at least a year:(. Finding a surgeon is a problem because it is a rare surgery. Not really a surgery you can travel for since you for sure can’t sit down after ward.

Probably getting the cart before the horse. I return to the pain Doctor today to see what she says. Just don’t know what to do with my horse. I’m nearing 61 and she is 14. She has already sat around for most of the last 3 years due to my infirmities. Riding has gotten to be quite painful. Oh well. I will figure it out. Just wondering if anyone has actually gone through a coccygectomy?
