Anyone have a Fabtron Saddle?

I really like: Fabtron Lady Flex Tree Trail Saddle FQHB but, can’t find a local dealer to go sit on one and see how the fender position feels. I even contacted Fabtron, and tho they are made in TN, no dealers near Memphis have it in stock.

Anyone have on of these that can comment?? I tried out an Abetta synthetic a few weeks ago and found my right knee a little sore, but I am not sure if that is due to the saddle, the time off I’ve had, or the posting amount (a bit more than I was used to and not on my horse).


PS- I have a treeless that is my main saddle, but I would like a nice light-weight true western too (and I know FQHB is what we need, been through that trial phase).

I have one (Lady Fabtron, full QH bars), but it’s not the flex tree model. I think it’s comfortable, and I’ve ridden in it a lot in the arena and on the trails. I also ride some dressage, and have taken dressage lessons in it when we were having some fitting issues with my dressage saddle. It let me ride correctly for dressage. IME the fenders allow your legs to hang in a good, natural position. I don’t feel like I’m fighting them or the stirrups. I like the Lady Fabtron’s seat, too. It gives me nice low-back support. I wish it fit my new, much more narrow horse! I think it’s a good saddle for the money.

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Thanks for the input Lisa!
I like the idea of the flex tree, and I don’t know if they even make the non-flex anymore… Either way, they are hard to find on ebay or anythign like that, so either people really like them or no-one has one! LOL :slight_smile:

Could you add padding for new horse and make it work? My guy feels narrow bareback, but he won’t fit in anything less than the FQBH I found.

It definitely won’t work on the new guy. They’re half-brothers, but they inherited very different halfs! :smiley: One is built like a bulldog QH and the other guy has a narrow chest, a backbone and a high withers.

I like the flex tree idea, too, and will be looking for one if I get New Narrow Guy a western saddle. But I do like my Fabtron!

Fabtron make a very nice Saddle, the Lady Trail has been very popular, with no customer complaints.

I have the Fabtron Tennsessean Gaited trail saddle by National Bridle Shop. It is a very well made saddle and extremely comfy. Unfortunately, I’m selling it since it didn’t work for my gaited pony due to her being swaybacked with wide shoulders. It does fit my other non-gaited pony great, go figure:confused:. I also recently went to a treeless endurance without a horn (the gaited trail has high wither clearance and a horn and it was difficult to duck under branches etc.). So far the Bob Marshall fits everybody well and I don’t have to switch all my stuff between 2 saddles constantly, which leaves more time to actually ride:D. If I was going to buy a synthetic trail saddle, I would try the Lady trail or another Fabtron model. My friend , a custom saddle maker, is a dealer for Fabtron and he thinks highly of the company. Good luck!!

thanks so much, glad to hear from ‘real riders’ that like these saddles:)
Fabtron sent my info to Horse saddle shop and they called me today, but I am on CT now so didn’t get back to them. I’ll try tomorrow to chat with them about it.

BTW- Kevin I presume you sell these? What is their warranty?

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I have been very happy with my Fabtron endurance. My only complaint was that the stirrups it came with were too narrow for me to put more than my very tippy-toes in. I guess they think their main customers have dainty little ballerina feet? :lol: I ended up swapping the fenders out for leathers and my EZ Ride stirrups.

I have probably close to 1K miles on that saddle now and it still cleans up well.

I bought the endurance Fabtron in the wide tree for a round-backed MFT. I’m very happy with it. I use a sturdier pad with it than I would with a more solid saddle.

I swapped out the cheezy plastic stirrups for some slant, alum, Walls stirrups. LOVE the slant stirrups!! (National Bridle carries them).

West20 in Wisconsin sells Fabtron. I believe they have trial periods.

I don’t own one but a lesson client of mine does- it’s really well built, substantial-feeling, and I didn’t feel it put me in a chair seat. Love the Fabtrons, and I don’t like Abettas…I think the Fabtron’s cloth is superior in texture and feel.

I bought the endurance Fabtron in the wide tree for a round-backed MFT. I’m very happy with it. I use a sturdier pad with it than I would with a more solid saddle.

I swapped out the cheezy plastic stirrups for some slant, alum, Walls stirrups. LOVE the slant stirrups!! (National Bridle carries them).

West20 in Wisconsin sells Fabtron. I believe they have trial periods.[/QUOTE]

Sturdier pad for your beneifit or the horses? What kind? I was looking at the contour pads cause my guy has a high croup…makes him look sway-back if isn’t rounding up properly…which we are still working on:)

Sturdier pad for the horse’s benefit. Just something with more firmness than say a super soft wool or double weave type. The stiffer saddle pads.
Reinsman and Toklat make some nice shaped, contoured pads. I even like the looks of Brenda Imus’s trail pad (but that’s about the only thing of her product line I would recommend). The contour is the front of the pad, where it goes up to fit over the withers. I have a Reinsman trail pad.
A shaped, or trail, pad is not square along the bottom edge. It raises up a little… supposedly to look a little nicer with the typical rounded skirts of more traditional “trail” saddles that are also more rounded than square.

BTW – I have purchased saddles and pads from Horse Saddle Shop and they wonderful to deal with!!!

love my fabtron

My hubby bought me a Billy Cook saddle for my Birthday last year, I think the thing cost him an arm and a leg, but it was so sweet of him.

But, to tell you the truth, I still keep going back to riding in my Fabtron, it is more comfortable and has held up so great. It has held up better that any of my other saddles and fits my horses so well.

Thanks all…Now I just have to come up with the extra cash flow to buy one:)

I am interested in buying a light weight western trail saddle (not endurance type) and saw the Fabtron trail saddle. I’ve only ridden in western saddles with wool fleece padding on the under side of it. I’m worried the Fabtron will slip and slide around with my regular wool pad. Is there a special pad I would need to use with this saddle?

No, it doesn’t require a special pad- any western pad will do.

I have a Fabtron 7110B

I live in east Tn, near where they are made. Many people where I board use them for trail riding. A new dealer is about to open in Norris, TN., I don’t have her name but my saddle fitter is very involved in it and if you contact her she can give you the info. She has a FB page, Amanda Cross, “Rider’s Emporium” ,, (865)660-9138

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