Anyone have experience/insights with nuchal bursitis?

Anyone have experience with nuchal bursitis?

Did you opt for surgery? Where did you have it done?
How long ago? How was the recovery?
And how would you describe the results?

I’m asking for my Mom’s horse, who has been dealing with this issue on and off for the last few years. He is in FL now, but heads back to New England in May.
She is consulting with Dr. Reid in Wellington and Dr. Lopez at Tufts. Surgery with either of those doctors is an option.

Just trying to gather some information for her, and the COTH peeps are always so helpful. So, any info you have is much appreciated. Thank you!!

nuchal bursitis: UPDATE

So, the lack of posted responses leads me to believe that this is not a widely seen condition. I’d certainly never heard of it. And if I knew how to post a picture here, I could show you what it looks like - pretty nasty.

The poll was ultrasounded, and shows enlarged bursa or fluid similar to absess.
Aspirate of fluid appears to be growing bacterial organism, which is yet to be identified. Horse will treated with an appropriate antibiotic and is scheduled for endoscopic surgery at Tufts later this month.

From what I understand, recovery will include draining of this mass, changing bandages, and waiting for the wound to heal. Tedious.

I don’t know what long-term prognosis is.

Any insight, especially from vets, would be much appreciated.

To post pictures need to use a picture hosting website like…upload pics then put link here.

I hope you can get him some relief. Will admit to clicking on this thread, not bc I have any experience with this but bc I’ve never heard of it and was hoping to learn something. Which I have.

Trying to post a picture

Thanks sassy45. Does the link below work?

Link to picture

Thanks sassy45. I’m hoping this link works.

EDIT: It occurs to me that people might wonder how this got so big before we sought surgical intervention. This has been ongoing for 2 years. It started with slight swelling that went away on it’s own. This last time, it came back very quickly and largely. Frankly, the picture sort-of shocked me. He doesn’t seem to be any pain. My Mom, however, is another story. She is so stressed with worry. But is happy they now have a plan.

Would it be the old condition called Poll Evil? Nasty. Many jingles for both of you.

Thanks sassy45. I’m hoping this link works.[/QUOTE]

You are welcome… That looks horrible poor horse…sending jingles for your horse and you.

Yep, read but had absolutely no info to offer, so sorry :frowning:

Wow, poor guy!! I totally get it that you can not really know what’s going on and then suddenly it’s like “HERE I AM!!! See me in all my glory!!” :mad:

Is there any thought as to what happened to cause this? Is there any indication that the ligament itself is compromised?

Fingers crossed that the abx wipe this out in a hurry and things can get going.

I have a horse with nuchal bursitis.

My former 1.40m jumper flipped over a jump many years ago. And when I say “flipped,” I mean took off, got tangled in a pole, and did a full rotational flip, landing on her chest, then head, then withers, then butt. She had a large seroma on her chest for a couple of months, and we did a lot of bodywork to help her through some initial stiffness and soreness. But we kept going and showing for another couple of years with no apparent long-term effects. A year or two later, however, we noticed that she had a developing lump on her poll, though it didn’t seem to cause discomfort or any particular sensitivity. We eventually ultrasounded it and the vet diagnosed it as nuchal bursitis.

It’s been 4 or 5 years since that and we’ve never done much for it beyond chiropractic/acupuncture to keep her as limber as possible all over (and, of course, through her poll). Of course, she was also in the process of stepping down and retiring from the big jumps, so my vet (and the other vets we worked with) may have not been as aggressive as we would have been if she had still been actively competing?

The lump has maybe gotten a bit smaller over the years, or maybe not, but it certainly hasn’t gotten any larger.

I tried to find a picture that shows it on my mare, but this was the closest I could find. You can see the lump right behind her ear on the left side of her poll:
And here:
This is the other side of her neck for comparison:

Seems like it was a lot more noticeable for the first couple of years.

Anyhow, the vet who diagnosed it was absolutely fascinated by it and talked to a lo-ot of other vets around the US about it. Nobody ever mentioned surgery as an option…perhaps because hers was trauma-induced (and, as I mentioned above, that she was already in the process of retiring from the big stuff)?

As you can see in the pictures above, she’s still jumping around and showing, and recently took my daughter over her first 3’6" jumps. She’s definitely a little stiffer in her poll than she used to be, but she’s also 20 years old, so I don’t know what’s age-related, and what’s due to the nuchal bursitis.


i am very interested in learning about nuchal bursitis and prognosis. I am in love with one horse at the barn that will be for sale but he has been currently diagnosed with nuchal bursitis in his poll area. The vet came few times, drained the fluid and those “lumps” got smaller but not small enough to put a bridle on and ride.

I wonder if a surgery would be needed. Has anybody have any experience? Reading posts above, I am very curious if the horse fully recovered or not. How much is the surgery and chances to fully recover?? Thank you very much for any insights!