Anyone here with Cerebal Palsey?


There are a lot of differing levels and types of CP. It sounds like this girl has a milder version than many people.

Maybe ask for a brief summary of abilities from the student’s doctor and/or physical therapist? They might also be able to identify what the student should work on (balance, communication, etc) and any restrictions she may have.

Good for you for taking on this student. :slight_smile:

If she has mild CP and is able to follow your directions in the case of an emergency then teach her as you would teach another five year old rider. Do you teach children that young? A report from her teacher or therapists might be helpful to help see what her level of understanding is- usually there are no cognitive complications with CP. If you do get reports from her teacher or therapists, remember that your goal and job is still to teach riding.

Yes, I have several students her age. I will be asking if her therapists and doctors have any suggestions on things she should be working on to help her out.

Thanks guys! In a good update, my sainted Honey pony trotted with her on the longe line on Friday. She was tickled, and giggled the whole time. We did trot sets of probably 10-15 steps, then she lost her body control and leaned forward. Honey always stops when her rider leans forward, so we were good. I think we’ll start setting achievable goals. Like half way round the circle at the trot. Things like that.

Just fyi, as we have a few riders with CP at our barn. Colder weather exacerbates spasticity, making it so much more difficult to ride. So warmups before getting into the saddle are a good idea.

I have a very mild case of it.