Anyone in this group at risk?

Yes, I do know that am pathetic about this, but I know nothing about TB breeders, or this group. Thanks!

Couple of nice Geldings in the mix I wouldn’t mind for sport horse prospects

Most of them are of nominal value. I can’t tell you what that nominal value is, though. Maybe a few thousand, maybe only the $750 minimum bid. I am not familiar enough with the demand for NM-breds, but most of these horses are light on pedigree.

Ruh-roh! Can we get the word out to and sport type buyers? I don’t dare look- how many are there? I am the bleeding heart enabler!

I don’t know how much risk they carry. I have no firsthand experience with apart from following a handful of their sales from afar. They seem to execute things in a reputable manner. The horses are always well presented and well advertised; not like some of these fire sales that occur with little to no warning to dump horses as quickly as possible.

It never hurts to attract as many interested buyers as possible, but this is a professional dispersal of horses who happen to be light on pedigree. That’s all.

I’m drooling over some of those yearling/two year old geldings. They are very cute and a lot of them have Pulpit in their pedigrees (sometimes twice), if I were in a position to snatch up a young horse I’d be tempted especially since these guys look like blank slates.

I’d love to take a few of the mares home, like Mononoke, Marionette Miss, Knoxville, and Wishful Melody. If only they weren’t so far away and I had somewhere cheaper to let them hang out for a bit… so tempting.

I am a bit perplexed by the vet reports though as they don’t seem to note some obvious blemishes on the legs of a few of them.

Bidding has been open more than 24 hours now. It is as I expected at the moment: everyone has a bid. Most are around the minimum or just over $1000 right now. I suspect by the end of the week they will all be out of the risky price range, but they aren’t going to make anyone rich.