Anyone not being able to post?

Just today I tried to post and it went “poof!” Twice.

I did not have any weird links nor did I get the “Unapproved” box.

As in new topic or just a reply to an existing topic?

I posted a reply at least once (just a few minutes ago was the last one) without a problem and the post/reply was still there.

I was replying to an existing topic.

No problems here, but this thread and your last post seem to be ok?

I tried to post with “Quote”. That didn’t work. When I replied at the bottom box, that worked, then I copied & pasted the quote.

Your posts were sucked into the moderation queue. I just approved one of them. Sorry for the trouble!

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Sorry to make work/trouble for you. I hope that this just pointed to a hiccup with the software.