anyone online tonight?

Respectfully disagree all you want, a person who is truly having a panic attack is having a medical emergency. I had a patient die in my ambulance from one. Perhaps yours are not really panic attacks but anxiety instead? Or very mild? No one I have ever seen who was having a panic attack would have been able to type on a computer.[/QUOTE]

You do not get to tell me that my panic attacks are “very mild” or simply anxiety. Your patient didn’t die from a panic attack. It can’t happen. Congratulations on not having this problem.

OP, my offer to PM me/call/email still stands! :winkgrin:

[QUOTE=Preposterous Ponies!;6386567]
I have to disagree with the go the ER thing. If you have not experienced a panic attack before, or they happen very infrequently… okay, then maybe go to the ER. But if I went to the ER every time I had a panic attack, I pretty much would live there! I used to have multiple full blown panic attacks every day (and no, they were not anxiety attacks or minor panic attacks).

Wellspotted, you will likely not die from a panic attack. Up until Laurierace’s post, I had never heard of anyone dieing from a panic attack. It will certainly feel like you are going to die, but you won’t. If you feel the need to see a doctor, do seek medical attention immediately.

If you would like somebody to talk to, please feel free to send me a PM. Hope you’re doing okay.[/QUOTE]

You are absolutely right, Preposterous Ponies. That was why I came online to COTH instead of trying to drive myself to the ER.

I am doing much better these days since I actually did go see a doctor, got some things checked out, and have been really watching what I eat.

It doesn’t take much to set me off. My whole system is so sensitive to any changes in my surroundings, “vibes” or whatever they’re called these days … it can be good because I get hunches that often turn out to be good, but I think that also opens my nerves up to other stimuli. Oh, well, I wouldn’t want to lose the sensitivity to the hunches.

At any rate, just got off work (heckuva day but I’ve left) and I have a 3-day weekend coming up, and a friend is going to lend me a wyfi laptop so I hang out on COTH as in the old Off Topic days!

Respectfully disagree all you want, a person who is truly having a panic attack is having a medical emergency. I had a patient die in my ambulance from one. Perhaps yours are not really panic attacks but anxiety instead? Or very mild? No one I have ever seen who was having a panic attack would have been able to type on a computer.[/QUOTE]

Laurie, why do you think the person died from an anxiety attack? I do know when I used to be subject to them that my heart would race and I would have trouble breathing. I got helped by using Magnesium supplement. I also am heavy metal toxic and getting treated with DMSA chelation therapy, so perhaps that was the beginning of it. That is so sad that someone died and I can certainly believe that you would think you could die, and could indeed die. Thank you for doing what you do (EMT), I had cause to use one last year when I had respiratory issues and sure could have used an intelligent person who could spell erythromycin.:no:

What is the usual cause for your panic attacks? Or are they at random?

I get panic attacks as well, usually from being overwhelmed with stress or my worst ones - being alone for too many consecutive hours at a time.
The best way for me to calm down is to call a friend or family member and have someone come over or just talk to me on the phone.

If you ever feel like you absolutely need anything, the ER is probably a good choice. I once went to the ER for a massive panic/manic depressive attack and they ended up putting me in an inpatient counseling ward for 1 week. It actually helped me a lot and they prescribed some meds that were able to help me not get such bad anxiety.
Sometimes if you have a counselor that you see they are willing to give you a 24/7 number that you can call when you are having some problems.

you can pm me if you’d like, if you ever just need someone to talk to when having a panic attack. I know what its like to need someone to be there for you.

Thanks, KateMcCall.

I haven’t had one in a couple of weeks now. I have cut way back on caffeine and sugar, and am trying not to eat any sugary snacks unless I have had a real meal very recently.

I do have one friend I can call just about any time; I have other friends I can call sometimes. People just aren’t available to talk much–calls usually go to voicemail.

But one of my friends (not one I would call during a panic attack; although to be fair I have never felt I could–she might be absolutely wonderful about it!)–she has given me her “old” laptop so I can now go online, here to COTH or elsewhere, any time I like. No more trying to type out long COTH posts with one finger on my cell phone or scroll down the same page over and over again as cell phones do online. I can take this little Mac to bed with me and surf COTH in luxury, probably with at least one other (furry) laptop there too.

I am another super-sensitive individual. Like you said – good AND bad. I’m personally afraid of drugs – both the intended “therapeutic” effect(s) AND “side” effects hit me really hard. So – I take Bach Rescue Remedy, made from flower essences. Calms me right down. Works on animals, too.

I must respectfully disagree with the “go the ER” comment- to a point.

It really depends on what the trigger for a panic attack is, and what other anxiety triggers the individual suffering has.

For me, going to an ER would actually make the attack worse, as the situation would be stressful. For others, NOT going to the ER would make the situation more stressful. The worst part about having a panic attack is that often, your body and mind are so far out of the logic loop that you really don’t know what’s going on. Different people have different symptoms, too, which can also be symptoms of major medical problems, which can also be a trigger. Mine was actually diagnosed when I went to the doctor thinking I had heart problems!

Wellspotted, I’m glad you have a laptop now. I find that hopping online helps me a TON, especially since I usually have my attacks in the middle of the night. Feel free to PM me if you ever need someone to talk to. I know I’m a stranger, but I also know that helps some people. I’ve done counseling for other GAD/Panic sufferers, and been in some online support groups for folks who often just need to know there are other people in the galaxy when the walls grow close at 3am!