anyone online tonight?

Anyone out there tonight? I am having a panic attack. Had one at the barn last week when it was very hot and another Saturday and now. Used to have them occasionally but not in years.

You should go to the ER. Call 911 if you don’t have anyone to take you. This is a medical emergency just like any other health problem, you don’t have to suffer through it alone.

Yes, please follow Laurierace’s advice. She knows of what she speaks.

Agreed. Go now. Go and they’ll fix you up. They should also give you something you can take next time that will help. You need to take care of yourself. There’s no shame in it, nobody’s perfect.

thank you for your replies and concern. I cannot in to the ER because i have no insurance but i want to see a doc tomorrow.

Then go tomorrow. There are all sorts of meds that can help with this. Please take care of it. I think you’ll be very relieved once you do.

I wish I had been online last night to help you. I suffer from panic attacks as well. I also have to respectfully disagree with the other posters about going to the ER. All they can do is essentially give you a tranquilizer and tell you you’ll be okay. Even without insurance, it is far cheaper to see a psychiatrist who can write you the same prescription.

Please PM me if you’d like. I’d be happy to give you my e-mail and/or phone number. I know what you’re going through and I’ll talk to you whenever you need it.

Respectfully disagree all you want, a person who is truly having a panic attack is having a medical emergency. I had a patient die in my ambulance from one. Perhaps yours are not really panic attacks but anxiety instead? Or very mild? No one I have ever seen who was having a panic attack would have been able to type on a computer.

Check in plz. How are you doing?

Respectfully disagree all you want, a person who is truly having a panic attack is having a medical emergency. I had a patient die in my ambulance from one. Perhaps yours are not really panic attacks but anxiety instead? Or very mild? No one I have ever seen who was having a panic attack would have been able to type on a computer.[/QUOTE]

Do people really die from “panic attacks” unless they have underlying issues like heart problems, etc.?

This one hyperventilated herself into a pulmonary embolism. It’s obviously rare but I saw it happen with my own eyes. In fact the last words she heard were me saying “you aren’t going to die, you are having a panic attack.” Needless to say, I won’t ever say that again. Regardless, why suffer when there is help available?

I personally went to the ER for multiple panic attacks and they treated me like I wa crazy. Tranqd me and sent me home. At the time, I felt like i was dying…then I felt stupid in the ER.

OP, please PM me if you want to talk. I’d be happy to chat with you while you’re anxious. I know the terrible feeling…

I have to disagree with the go the ER thing. If you have not experienced a panic attack before, or they happen very infrequently… okay, then maybe go to the ER. But if I went to the ER every time I had a panic attack, I pretty much would live there! I used to have multiple full blown panic attacks every day (and no, they were not anxiety attacks or minor panic attacks).

Wellspotted, you will likely not die from a panic attack. Up until Laurierace’s post, I had never heard of anyone dieing from a panic attack. It will certainly feel like you are going to die, but you won’t. If you feel the need to see a doctor, do seek medical attention immediately.

If you would like somebody to talk to, please feel free to send me a PM. Hope you’re doing okay.

Find a good psychologist for cognitive therapy. Get your thyroid checked, and if you’re in a Lyme endemic area, a good Lyme test.

This one hyperventilated herself into a pulmonary embolism. It’s obviously rare but I saw it happen with my own eyes. In fact the last words she heard were me saying “you aren’t going to die, you are having a panic attack.” Needless to say, I won’t ever say that again. Regardless, why suffer when there is help available?[/QUOTE]

I asked DH (who is a physician) and he’d said he’d never heard of that. He did say however that he’d probably panic if he had a pulmonary embolism.

Just my own personal opinion, the only way I’d go to an ER is if I hadn’t had a panic attack before and didn’t know what was going on. And yes, I know all about how it feels to have a panic attack.

Bullcrap Laurierace, a pulmonary embolism can FEEL like a panic attack, but a panic attack doesn’t cause a pulmonary embolism.

I am not the medical examiner. Just reporting what I was told.

FYI there are some heart conditions that can seem like a panic attack to the person suffering the symptoms…definitely go to an ER if you have one again!

ETA, there are some simple things you can do to try to find what might be a trigger for them too, like keep a journal of what you eat and drink, times, and see if there is some correlation or pattern. One possible trigger can be caffeine, and the reason I know that is my Mom used to have what seemed like panic attacks and actually was a very surprising late in life development of hypersensitivity to caffeine. She had been a coffee drinker all her life, and was under a Doctor’s care for other issues. As nothing else seemed out of the ordinary, Doc said ‘go decaf’ and voila - no more panic attacks.

I am not the medical examiner. Just reporting what I was told.[/QUOTE]

I doubt that’s what the medical examiner said, or if he did he didn’t know what he was talking about.

A panic attack FEELS like a life-threatening condition. A pulmonary embolism IS a life-threatening condition.

OP I would next recommend you not read this thread anymore. lol

I feel your pain. I used to have them alot too. For me they would be the culmination of stressful events that I didn’t really deal with in a timely manner. Push come to shove take a couple of Benadryl. I know how you feel -I’m having issues tonight myself (no panic attacks, but feeling pretty defeated).
