Thanks for all of the 
I brought my wife back the following day and we immediately decided that we would take Ashton first as he was the thinnest. He is the bottom of the pecking order and just wound up getting less food than the other 2. Here is the day he arrived.
I was then going back almost daily to help the owner care for the other 2 as he had many other commitments and I wanted to help remove some of the load of caring for the horses from him. After a couple of days my wife thought that Ashton looked lonely and asked if maybe we should get Jim. I said yes since they are herd animals that would probably put Ashton at ease. So I made plans to pick Jim up. Here he is the day of his arrival.
But then this was bad because it left Tempe alone in a field. We really didn’t want three horses as never owning a horse we thought it would be too overwhelming. So I got to work trying to find a home for him. The first person that wanted him let me visit their farm. Between the 4 horses that were way behind on hoof care and the 3 foot tall manure piles in front of the stalls we said probably won’t work. Then the next person actually saddled and rode him. They said that they would like to take him. They assured me that if he went lame that he would never be sent to slaughter. He would be humanely euthanized. I then asked to define lame. I was told that meant no longer able to be used in their riding program. Just for the sake of clarity I asked if that meant if he was pasture sound would he be put down? I was then told and at that point was the first time I heard the term he would be a “lawn ornament”, an expensive one and would cost too much to keep around. That is when I told them to get the ****out of here you ignorant **********. After what this horse has been through, that is your answer???
So now the reality that we would be owning 3 horses started to sink in LOL.
Then the fun began. The first 2 horses were moved on a step up stock trailer. We went after Tempe and he refused to load. 2 hours worth. Tried everything including the strap around the but. Wouldn’t budge.
Then someone suggested a ramp trailer as this is what race horses use. After 3 weeks of frantic searching I come up with a ramp trailer, Well he wouldn’t budge. Did rear up and go over backwards though. Scared the crap out of us and himself. I’m shaking my head as I’m up to my armpits in all of this and have been a proud horse owner for all of 2 months.
My wife suggested maybe have another horse on the trailer. Sounded good to me. A friend of mine found a woman with a 4 horse trailer that would bring one of her horses. It is now September by the way. We got there and he hopped right on as soon as he saw the other horse. Have to give my wife credit.
Anyway, I have to stop for now as I have to go do a barn check LOL. Tempe goes through a whole bucket of water between 7pm and midnight. Thirsty little bugger he is. Will try to write more later. Will show you some more pics though.
By the way so as not to panic here is Ashton now.
Jim now
And Tempe now
I think Jim loves me:)
And for a real pick me up, the boys getting a little playful on this past Sunday…enjoy