Anyone use a juicer to fight fatigue?

I got one a few weeks ago. I was wondering if anyone has had success with fatigue. If so, what recipes do you use. I have tried green apples, carrots and kale,spinach or red cabbage.

i’m not really sure about effects on fatigue, but i have been obsessed with the local grocery’s juice bar lately. My favorite, beyond favorite, combination is apples, carrots, beets, and a small chunk of ginger. OH SO YUMMY. The employee at the juice bar had suggested pretty much the same combination but with a piece of jalepeno pepper, but i much prefer ginger for a kick.
I’m trying to think of the other things on their menu to mix… I know they have all the stuff you’ve mentioned, and the above, plus lemongrass, broccoli, parsley,… hmm i’ll have to check again soon.
A friend mentioned the other day about making smoothies with avocado. I LOVE avocado, yum.

I like the Naked and Bolthouse farms green juices you can find in the grocery, so i looked up what they mix together:
naked green- apple, banana, kiwi, mango, pineapple

the fruity ones were as guessed, typical combinations. But these two, neither of which i’ve actually tried, sound really intriguing:

Naked berry veggie- sweet cherries, strawberries, purple carrots, red beet, sweet potato, sweet corn, chickpeas, plum, apple

Naked Mango Veggie- mango, yellow carrot, sweet potato, sweet corn, apple, chickpeas, bit of lemon, butternut squash

(For the record, i don’t care at all for their “protein” versions. had one of them and it was like drinking sand!)

I don’t know much about nutrition to suggest specific fruits/veggies to include for energy in particular, but browsing other smoothies/juices people are already selling could be an option.

Maybe not for fatigue but one of my favorite combinations lately is this one:

Fresh Cranberries
Fresh pineapple
Red & green apples

I’ve been experimenting with fresh cranberries since Thanksgiving but this combo is one of my favorites.

honestly for fatigue, gatorade/powerade or mountain dew 7up or pepsi

My hubby and I recently started juicing as well! We use a similar recipe to yours, op, but add a half pear instead of apple and we also add lemon juice, Swiss chard, cucumber, celery, apple cider vinegar and a dash of cayenne! Yum! I never thought this would be something I would enjoy so much! We were advised to be sure to juice on an empty stomache and not eat for 15 minutes. We have been doing this for a little over a week, and I’m not sure if it is helping with the fatigue but I definitely feel better, maybe the fatigue is the next thing to go…

Wow, some of these recipes sound really yummy!
Teddy…I can’t do too much caffine anymore - doctors orders.
I’m trying to get enough energy back to ride again. I run out of steam by the time I finish my barn chores.
I didn’t know about juicing on an empty stomach…I will try that…and some of the ingredients mentioned. My husband has not been too impressed so far with my recipes.

Ahh eat little snacks often? Yeah im a uni student with ra i live off gatorade/powerade because i dont drink coffee. It has the electrolyes and not ridiculously sugary for at the barn and no caffiene.

Instead of Gatorade, try coconut water w/ chia seed, has way more electrolytes and 100% healthier for you. I give that to my horse after a long day of showing :wink:

I desperately want a juicer, boo!

Oh! Also cucumber is high in potassium, try adding that into your juices.

(or is it zucchini? Hmm, add both!)

Is “juicing”, in some way, meant to be better than a regular nutritious diet and appropriate exercise. I can’t see how it would be. (my teeth are juicers)

It’s part of your nutritious diet, instead of a fattening breakfast of English muffin w/ egg, cheese and pancetta ahem, me, spoiling myself this am you can have a smoothie full of veggies (lots of green stuff!) and some fruit to add some sugar taste :wink:

Keep juicing. You can add almost anything healthy to a smothie fruit and green wise. Your body will take awhile to detox one you start juicing. If you continue to be fatigued see a natural path doctor, you could be anemic and need more help. Eat only healthy whole organic foods as much as possible and definitly DO NOT DRINK POP!!! Pure man made chemical sh#T!!!

If you go to a natural health food store talk to the people there, they have good ideas that may help. Bottom line: eat healthy and exercise. I research everything i eat now as the media lies so much about what is healthy and what is not. I won’t even drink orange juice anymore!

Combining carrot & apple can cover almost anything green and make it palatable. I like to do carrot/apple + parsley, half of a lemon, and few leaves of romaine. Other variations would be carrot/apple + cabbage, or carrot/apple + broccoli. Once you get on a juicing kick it is fun to experiment.

For fruit I like to juice 2 oranges, 1 pear, and 1/2 yam.

I think I’d rather eat regular healthy nutritious food than liquidize it. Do you people have tooth problems ? OP may find a visit to the doctor beneficial.

I think I’d rather eat regular healthy nutritiuos food than liquidize it. Do you people have tooth problems ? OP may find a visit to the doctor beneficial.[/QUOTE]

My husband and I make juice all the time. If you throw a lot of vegetables in and just a little bit of fruit for flavor, it really isn’t all that sugary (I used to have major cavity issues when I was younger - root canal at age 6! so I know all about teeth problems).

The benefit of juicing is that you get way more nutrients then you could ever possibly eat. Obviously juice is not a substitute for whole foods. We try to eat a plant based diet and get in all the recommended fruits and vegetables in one day, but when you add in a little bit of vegetable/fruit juice to your daily intake, it’s a bonus. Just this morning we had juice with beets, carrots, cucumber, apple, blueberries, and mint. And we’ll still eat plenty of fruit/veggies throughout the day. It’s very refreshing and makes you feel good!

I’m hoping that juicing will allow me to get the nutrients in a more concentrated form and increase my energy levels. I would like to start showing again for fun.
I found out that my acid reflux medicine may be preventing me from absorbing certain vitamins like b12. I have a horse that no longer has a large colon from colic surgery. Thru research I have learned that b12 is absorbed in the large colon and that drugs like gastrogard and prilosec can inhibit absorption leading to a deficiency over time. This made me start to wonder about other vitamin absorption issues due to aging and hence juicing. As a side bar, this has also prompted me to give my mare with no colon regular b12 shots. I also added my older horses on the b12 shots as well. (I take the b12 strips under the tongue) A bottle from the vet was about $10 and lasts a year. My mare with no large colon is doing great btw.

Also, I have trouble digesting certain veggies as I get older…and older. Juicing may be the only way to include those veggies now.

I run my own farm with 12 horses that are stabled with turnout and workouts. I think I am getting a lot of excercise…sometimes tooooo much.

I agree with no soda!

Carrots, beets, kale. NO green apples. NOT good for you. Soda has become very popular because the combination of caffeine and carbonation is a MARVELOUS digestive aid. My digestion isn’t very good (just like the REST of me), so if i’ve had vegetables, whole grains or something else hard to digest, cola is often the only thing available to me. Works like a CHARM!!!

This sounds pretty nifty! I was just diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrom (on top of everything else – ugh!). Maybe I’ll give this a try too. Are juicers expensive?

I tried a sample of just carrot and cucumber juice the other day and holy cow that was so simple but SO refreshing!! Ah, can’t help but smile drinking veggie juice.
Juicers are expensive to my knowledge. Juicing itself isn’t cheap either, since it takes a lot of vegetables to make a drink. I thought of getting one, but in the end if I keep it to two or fewer drinks per week, it’s just as well to buy it a the grocery store.
My bio mom got a juicer when she was going through cancer treatment. They’d stock up on carrots and other produce at Sams club.

I’m trying to juice everyday, although I do miss a day or two. I have started to notice that my energy levels are down on days I don’t juice which is encouraging me to keep using my juicer.
I have added blueberries and fresh lemon to my apple, carrots and spinach.
I also add kale and red cabbage periodically.
I find on days that I juice I have a lot less trouble with my acid reflux. I’m down to taking just a third of a prilosec before bed. I would try the cucumber but I like to feed the juice to my husband and he is allergic to them.
Last weekend I took some of the blueberry/carrot/spinach pulp and added it to pancake mix… it was very tasty. I’m looking for more ways to add the pulp back into my cooking.