anyone use joint supplements for themselves?

I am ok now but want to prolong my walking/riding/ life. Getting older! What else is new? Has anyone found joint supplements to be effective and if so, what kind?

Kirkland Glucosamine HCL 1500mg w/MSM 1500mg. Giant Economy Size bottle from Costco. The pills are HUGE, also…

I’ve been taking Gloucosamin/Chrondroiton for years to keep my documented hip arthritis at bay (it started bothering me in my late 20s). I’m 57 now and it got to the point where I was taking a LOT of G/C to keep comfortable, to I switched to Recovery (Purica). I’ve seen Recovery work miracles with my horses, so I wanted to see if the human version worked, too. I went back to being pretty much pain free again. (My hubby takes it now, too.) Also, my SI joint was giving me a lot of trouble for quite some time, and after someone on this forum mentioned an SI belt, I ordered one. Voila! Significant improvement, with pain almost down to zero. I have a rare chronic disease that makes surgery problematic for me, so anything I can do to stave off that hip replacement is good. Best wishes for feeling better!

I take turmeric for inflammation

Hyaluronic acid for the horse and for myself. Can’t walk without it.

I am taking turmeric, fish oil and undenatured collagen type II for my joint and anti-inflammatory cocktail. My arthritic knee definitely has been better…trying to stave off replacement as long as possible.


1000 mg GNC vegetarian glucosamine and 1000 mg Rite Aid (generic) MSM daily. Without them my right knee swells and I hobble around. With them my knee feels fine and I can be on my feet all day.

I use the Wellness Joint Juice from Costco… you can get it anywhere or online, but Costco usually has the best deal and sometimes knocks more money off during sales. Its a liquid… tastes terrible, but does work… i notice in a few days if I have forgotten to take… I was starting to have a lot of Hip pain (been warned when younger this would happen I was born with hip dysplasia, and wore a brace from 3omnths to 12 months and it made a socket, but its never been 100 correct).
I also added Turmeric and have noticed i am now relatively pain free. Hip feels much better as does my knees…

I have been using UC-II Type II Collagen and it really helps with problems related to an old hip injury. I was getting to the point where I could hardly stand up for 5-6 steps if I had been sitting for any length of time. I had my horse on the equine version and my vet told me it was available in human formulations, too, so I ordered some. I get it from Amazon.

Have tried a bunch of stuff, but saw the most improvement with Zyflamend:

@NoSuchPerson which collagen do you like?

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I had SI pain flaring really bad (among other crazy symptoms) and my pcp was not cooperating with a referral to an ortho so I said phuck it and gave myself a 1 mL dose of Pentosan (works great for the horses and is used in people with cystitis) once a week for 4 weeks. My back was 98% better in a couple days! Bonus: the look on my doctor’s face when I told her lol! I had more labs done and I didn’t affect my blood work at all (if anything made it better).

I also get compounded diclofenac/dex/dmso topical cream for pain from my vet… (so much cheaper and works sooo much better!)

I’ve thought of doing the same thing since my back has been bothering me quite a bit lately but was too chicken. Lol

I’m glad it worked for you!

I took a Xanax and that helped my courage a bit lol.

interesting thread
Ive taken turmeric and Glucosamine in the past and never noticed any improvement.
My hips are bad, and I just bought my horse into work after a spell and I struggle to walk myself after any length of time away from riding. Im thinking my riding days are starting to be numbered (the number is still many dont worry!)
Im going to look at some of these.