Anyone use "Shoulders Back" for therapeutic reasons?

I have a chronic pain issue stemming from my ribs, up into my shoulder and my neck… I’m working with a PT and wearing a good bra has been very helpful- basically, after my PT fixes me, I can hold my right shoulder in proper position for a couple of days, and then I start kicking back into my old positioning of shoulder forward and very, very stuck again.

I’ve been trying to think of a way to keep it back and remembered my hunter days when the “shoulders back” support was used. I’m going to mention it to my PT next time I see him- anyone have any experience with this?

I tend to hunch my shoulders forward and have poor posture, and because of that deal with semi-chronic lower back pain. I tried the shoulders back and while it did help me to have proper posture, I found that I would have to wear it over a light t-shirt or else it would rub.

After I had a breast reduction I had to re-learn my position, and I used the shoulders back to assist that. Very good but I felt stupid wearing it over my shirt and the straps would rub if worn against skin. I think I finally compromised by wearing it between two layers.

My daughter wears one - says it changed her life and she even sleeps better. You wear it for short periods of time until your muscles become adapted.

The Enell bra does the same thing but is much more comfortable. That’s helped tremendously with my back pain.

Does the “lite” version work just as good as the original?

You know, I got the much touted Enell and didn’t like it… I still have to wear it over another bra. How’s that for a bummer?

I have a bit of an issue with my right shoulder going forward too (from years of hanging onto the yoke with my right hand breaking babies at the track). I have found it much easier to keep it back by thinking about connecting with the right hind rather than thinking “aarg…must…keep…shoulder…back” and trying to muscle it there. I straighten up more by a relaxing and squaring of muscles rather than a tensing and fighting my own body. Just a thought anyway.

I tried wearing the shoulders back to change my muscle memory but had to many issues with it rubbing…even when I wore it over a shirt. great idea, but to bad it isn’t cut back in the front wear your arms have a lot of mobility.

I have torn not one, but both of my rotator cuffs, and I use the shoulders back to redistribute the various stressors caused by riding across my entire back. It has been wonderful for me, but I definately recommend wearing it over your shirt. If you put it on under yor clothes, you’ll probably get some pretty serious chafe marks.

I have worn mine when my bad shoulder has bothered me. It helps support it more and keeps it from being a totally useless noodle.

Never used (or even seen) “shoulders back”…but would a clavicle support help? I’ve been told by some people that it is the same thing (but more affordable). I’ve worn them before (broken clavicle) and didn’t have rubbing issues but I think I did just wear a shirt or something under it.

I would also think regular visits to a good chiro dr. would help.

The Enell bra does the same thing but is much more comfortable. That’s helped tremendously with my back pain.

You know, I got the much touted Enell and didn’t like it… I still have to wear it over another bra. How’s that for a bummer?

I HATE my enell. I can get over the ‘uniboob’, but I find it is the WORST for rolling my shoulders forward.

I’ve never tried the Shoulders Back, due to the rubbing issue that people mention here. It’s also a little too restricting, IMO and the pressure points would be an issue for me.

When I’ve had shoulder issues (mostly from a broken collarbone), my physiotherapist showed me how to tape my shoulder with Kinesio Tex. This really does help.

Are you sure it’s the right size, first of all, and also are you making sure to… er… reach inside and “redistribute” once you have it on? :o

Edited to add that I’m sure the enell isn’t the be-all-end-all of solutions, but just wanted to throw it out as an alternative since most of the women I know who are wearing one also agree that it’s comfortable and does help posture.

I loff my Enells - but I find that I do best when lying on my back to put them on. That helps put “the girls” more or less where they belong and I don’t have to redistribute after hooking it up.

As for the Shoulders Back, I have one around here somewhere. When I used to use it, I took those velcro-on sheepskin halter fuzzies and put them on the shoulder straps.

Mind you, I telecommute, so I could get away with that :lol:

Might not work for everyone.


I’ll have to keep that in mind. I’ve been contemplating ordering a “Shoulders Back” for myself. I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and my new doctor has pointed out that I’ve been compensating for instability in my shoulder joints by pulling them forward. Back in the proper position, they subluxate very easily, and with them pulled forward, my range of motion is much more normal. However, I need to build the correct muscles, instead of folding myself up, since that’s causing all sorts of other problems.

I don’t think an Enell is the answer for me, I’m only a C-cup, so it’s not my breasts pulling me forward. It’s the joints in my shoulders that are the problem.

And as a stay-at-home mom, I can wear halter fuzzies whenever I want, so that’s totally doable. The other moms have already looked at my funny and asked “What are those things on your legs?” when I walk my son to school immediately before I go to the barn to ride :lol:

Thanks R-AR!