Has anyone ever used Elephant Bark rubber flooring in their barn?
It’s 30% off right now, so I could cover most of my 10’x46’ concrete aisle for $1,300 including shipping, if I leave a ~18" strip of concrete along the outside wall (opposite the stall doors), and maybe pour more concrete there? Think that’s a good deal? I’m located in Maryland if that factors in.
I like those rubber bricks but they are $$$$ and I have found they don’t sweep very easily. One past BM used a leaf blower on them! The plus of these Elephant Bark things over normal stall mats is they come in custom lengths so I could avoid lots of seams that can cause tripping. (Yes, installation of a 46’ long roll of 3/8" rubber would be a bear, but it’s just one time!)
The one thing I would really like to find is good aisle mats in a light gray or tan. I hate to darken my nice light barn with a black aisle. Anyone seen horse-tough rubber flooring in light colors?
If anyone is familiar with the Elephant Bark, can you tell me:
Does the 3/8" hold up well to shod horse traffic, tractors, etc? I only have 3 stalls so traffic is light.
How easy is it to sweep? Do particles get stuck in the grain of the rubber? Does manure stain the finish? I think if I decide it’s a good deal I might have to order a sample to check this out.
Thank you!!