Grad school while working full time followed by pregnancy followed immediately by covid killed any healthy routines I had.
This is the silliest breakthrough, but I realized there are loads of 10 minute workouts on YouTube.
I had this mental block that a workout needed to be what I long ago learned to be “proper”— at least 20-30 min a day, sustained heart rate elevation, etc. That kind of exercise routine just wasn’t fitting into my day no matter how hard I tried to make it a priority. It became this weird, guilty avoidance that if I couldn’t exercise right, I couldn’t do it at all.
But a 10 minute workout, that I can do. I get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning, which is very doable even at the early hour I have to rise for work (4:30am). It wakes me up better than coffee. It’s short enough I can do it on an empty stomach and also not get so sweaty I need to shower. Most importantly, combined, it’s over an hour of exercise each week that I most definitely wasn’t getting.
And bonus: I’ve lost a couple pounds without changing other habits.
No, I won’t be back to my marathon running days or miraculously back to a healthy weight with only 10 minutes, but it’s so much better than the alternative of nothing.
Anyway, I just wanted to share in case someone is struggling with their exercise habits like me.